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venesection Meaning in Bengali


একটি শিরা মধ্যে অস্ত্রোপচার কর্তন; আচরণ hemochromatosis করতে ব্যবহৃত



venesection শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মাথার মাঝখানে এবং দু’কাঁধের মাঝ বরাবর রক্তমোক্ষণ করাতেন এবং বলতেন: যে ব্যক্তি নিজ দেহের এ অংশ থেকে রক্তমোক্ষণ করাবে, সে তার কোন রোগের চিকিৎসা না করালেও ।

বমন, রক্তমোক্ষণ, সামুদ্রিক দ্রব্য, কটু ও রুক্ষ দ্রব্য[স্পষ্টকরণ প্রয়োজন] কাঞ্চন, বরুন ।

এর ল্যাবরেটরি ৪৭টি রক্তমোক্ষণ বা নমুনা সংগ্রহ কেন্দ্র পরিচালনা করে, যেসব কেন্দ্র করাচিসহ পাকিস্তানের ।

venesection's Usage Examples:

Phlebotomy/venesection: routine treatment consists of regularly scheduled phlebotomies (bloodletting.

the 1860s, Brunton noted that the pain of angina could be lessened by venesection and wrongly concluded that the pain must be due to elevated blood pressure.

XIV Lymph chyle: menstrual blood and its nature, swellings, venesection, causes of excessive bleeding, causes of scanty bleeding, measures to.

asymptomatic carriers of hereditary haemochromatosis treatment with venesection (phlebotomy) provides any clinical benefit.

supervised his doctoral thesis on the changes in hemocyte count after venesection.

Breathing a Vein, a caricature of bloodletting by venesection by James Gillray, 1804.

He opposed the common practice of blood-letting (phlebotomy or venesection) and the then novel use of dangerous chemical remedies.

Regularly removing a quantity of blood from a vein (venesection) in the iron overload condition, hemochromatosis.

" Gordon treated the illness with venesection (bleeding) and purging, both standard remedies at the time for inflammatory.

contagion was unknown; as treatment, Chauliac recommended air be purified, venesection (bleeding), and healthy diet.

Two of the main methods of bloodletting were leeching and venesection.

nurses) assisted during childbirth, and also used cupping (cazia) and venesection (vlotomes).

The most common was phlebotomy, or venesection (often called "breathing a vein"), in which blood was drawn from one.

Early treatments involved venesection, but this proved ineffective.

Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, and venesection are typically employed in the management strategy.

with increasing vigour, Galen promoted Hippocratic teaching, including venesection and bloodletting, then unknown in Rome.

venesection's Meaning':

surgical incision into a vein; used to treat hemochromatosis


bloodletting; surgical incision; phlebotomy; incision; section;


end; misconception; beginning; middle;

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