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very far Meaning in Bengali


very far's Usage Examples:

report (or elsewhere), although there were women gymnasts who traveled from very far away who participated in exhibitions at these games.

Occasionally, the road team may not have to travel very far at all to a road game.

They are short lived, and thus do not move very far from where they formed within their life.

to not preserve the word-initial consonant clusters, which makes them very far from Classical Tibetan, especially when compared to the more conservative.

a circular, symmetrical shape but the rim is worn and does not project very far above the surface.

It is located in the valley of the Itajaí-Açu river, not very far from the city of Blumenau, one of the largest cities in the state.

Zapalasaurus to browse a wide variety of plants and greens without having to walk very far.

shape is attributed to high viscosity that prevents the lava from flowing very far.

the site to public freight networks through sidings, isolated (sometimes very far away from public rail or surface roads) or located entirely within a served.

They have extremely long roots to seek water from very far under ground.

Although easily knocked over, the conical shapes could not be rolled very far, they would move unpredictably and out of the field of view of a tank driver.

results in a weapon that hits too high for very close targets, too low for very far targets, and point blank at some distance in between.

Church to the Tuscaloosa County Courthouse; however, protesters did not get very far before being beaten, arrested, and tear gassed by not only police officers.

They are also far less demanding in maintenance and do not protrude very far from the controller, making them ideal for portable consoles such as the.

It is very far from Earth, with a distance of about 68,470,000 light-years (20,990,000 pc).

Steer UK very far right TuckeHenry Tuckett UK very far right Mott JJames Mott US very far right Merchant Rathbone RRichard Rathbone UK very far right Businessman.

occurs very far away, with thunder that dissipates before it reaches the observer.

At night, it is possible to see the flashes of lightning from very far distances.

thus in free fall around the Earth, though its orbital speed keeps it in very far orbit from the Earth's surface.


famed; renowned; known; famous; celebrated; notable; illustrious; noted;


unknown; unfamiliar; unacknowledged; inglorious; unworthy;

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