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vilely Meaning in Bengali

vilely's Usage Examples:

eve of the Liberation day of Florence, July 17, 1944, defeated Fascism vilely assassinated five innocent citizens: Ivo Poli of 8 years, Igino Bercigli.

the wedding, which was already begun Now Signe, the daughter of Sumble, vilely spurns me, and endures vows not mine, cursing her ancient troth; and, conceiving.

neither fields of choice fruits; for there the shield of the mighty was vilely cast away, the shield of Saul, anointed with oil (2 Samuel 1:21).

joint efforts, interviewing former crew members, showing Kinski behaving vilely to everyone around him.

Reich and Adolf Hitler and condemned the Nuremberg Trials as 'vicious and vilely dishonorable'.

Ha, ha! how vilely doth this cynic rhyme! and Brutus drives him from his tent.

was to suffer the corps of so truly great and good prelate to lie thus vilely buried" ordered his body to be disinterred and removed for burial in Exeter.

However, the play was condemned by critics – Max Beerbohm described it as "vilely stupid" and as written by a "tenth-rate writer".

conspirators (4): she says to Jaffeir, “Can thy great heart descend so vilely low, / Mix with hired slaves, bravoes, and common/ stabbers,… and take a.

of what it is: a glossy, skillful, cynical, smart, utterly corrupt and vilely misogynistic action thriller".

man, unfailingly charitable to the poor and tender to the sick (who) was vilely unpopular to his fellow surgeons at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

the "order of families as well as of churches and religious families, is vilely broke, dissolved and lost… the reins of government are thrown upon the neck.

More than 500 citizens have been murdered vilely and cowardly, and more than 1500 were injured".

the man who is forced to fight is a vilely outraged as the woman who is forced to fondle.

Instead he kept his prisoners so vilely and in such evil distress that it seemed shameful and ugly to all those.

saw Gretchen Schmau, then about 12, who was sitting opposite me, being vilely insulted by the SA people.

methodical author: every Potter manuscript was "a mass of dirty bits of paper, vilely typed, corrected in illegible biro, episodic and half-revised.

"The Shield of the mighty Yellows is vilely cast away".

But all of this aside — with the Ontario Saints being vilely persecuted, dragged to the courts, thrown into prison, and chased by mobs.

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