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violers Meaning in Bengali



violers's Usage Examples:

There are also payments to four English violers.

wedding was provided by four Dutch drummers, four trumpeters, the Queen's violers, and a fiddler.

James VI presented the skipper of Munk's ship, the pilots, trumpeters, violers and kettle drummers with forty gold rose noble coins, accounted from his.

this masque tradition, having a masque at Christmas time in 1579 when his violers were dressed in red and yellow taffeta, with "touke of silver", and play.

of the English Hudson family, with at least five members, who would be violers and singers at the court of James VI.

presented the skipper of Admiral Munk's ship, the pilots, and the trumpeters, violers and kettle drummers at the Shore with forty gold rose noble coins, accounted.

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