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visualised Meaning in Bengali

 ঠাহর করা, দৃষি্টগোচর করান,



visualised শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বা মুখ থেকে লেজ বা অপর প্রান্ত পর্যন্ত চলমান একটি কাল্পনিক অক্ষ বরাবর ঠাহর করা যেতে পারে ।

তালার কলকব্জা: চাবি ঠাহর করা এবং তালার বিভিন্ন অংশের নড়াচড়া সমন্বয়ের জন্য ।

বিষয়টা কে আরেকটু ভালো ভাবে ভিজ্যুয়ালাইজ করতে চাইলে নিচের ভিডিও টা আপনার জন্য ইন্ডাস্ট্রিয়াল ইন্টারনেট : ইন্ডাস্ট্রিয়াল ।

ঠাহর করা হয়েছে যে এই স্থানে বাণরাজা হরি-হর-এর মিলন ভূমির স্মৃতি চিরযুগমীয়া করে ।

ইমিউনো-লেবেল করে তাদের প্রতিলিপিগুলোকে প্রসারিত করার অনুমতি দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে ভিজ্যুয়ালাইজ করা যায় ।

visualised's Usage Examples:

It is located east (visualised as dreta or "right") of Carrer de Balmes.

These abnormalities can be visualised with echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), nuclear.

marked physically, drawn in a material like salt or chalk, or merely visualised.

Evolution can be visualised as the process of sampling nearby sequences in sequence space and moving.

coincide or one or both would have to be curved; however, it can be easily visualised in elliptic space.

There are five koshas, and they are often visualised as the layers of an onion in the subtle body.

When the consort is a visualised one they are known as the jnanamudra.

A victoria may be visualised as essentially a phaeton or brougham with the addition of a coachman's.

The system is studied and visualised mainly through techniques such as plasma membrane extraction, high-voltage.

It has a dichromate-like structure and can be visualised as two corner-sharing SO4 tetrahedra, with a bridging oxygen atom.

as well as material for those projects that were conceived but never visualised.

microscopic techniques that allow the various components of a cell to be visualised as they interact in vivo.

often under-appreciated point is that although lateral inhibition is visualised in a spatial sense, it is also thought to exist in what is known as "lateral.

The cluster can be visualised as being composed of three face-sharing octahedra.

Phylogenetic networks can be inferred and visualised with software such as SplitsTree, the R-package, phangorn, and, more recently.

By calculating this gradient for each isocline, the slope field can be visualised; making it relatively easy to sketch approximate solution curves; as in.

The free software tool then visualised the information for users to view on their own iGoogle homepage, a personal.

according to school, lineage and scholar but for Completion stage purposes is visualised within the body.

Milligan visualised Eccles as a tall, lanky, amiable, well-meaning, but incredibly stupid.

stories from Hikayats by Pak Mulung, and roles from the stories will be visualised by actors performance.


envisioned; pictured; unreal; visualized;


genuine; sincere; natural; realistic; real;

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