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volubly Meaning in Bengali

volubly's Usage Examples:

residence in Luna City on the Moon for some time, spend much of their time volubly regretting having ever left Earth.

a 42nd street screening showed their displeasure with the film "quite volubly".

He wrote therein volubly on emancipation of slaves, which he enumerated at 800,000, and concluded.

Congress Legislative Party's meetings where he is known to air his views volubly, while retaining the enviable independence of a Floor Leader.

at the time was much altered from the ferocious savage who had once so volubly blustered of his martial superiority to the Romans.

novel On the Road: "I saw him wish a well-to-do man Merry Christmas so volubly a five-spot in change for twenty was never missed.

first showing of this offering last Saturday afternoon, and they became volubly enthusiastic over the Antarctic blizzard, the far from impressive airship.

Upon seeing her enter the courtroom, the accused volubly instructs his lawyer to make a plea-bargain deal so that the trial is stopped.

Matt Wolf of Variety wrote that "both plays speak volubly and wisely about language and emotions in disarray".

Delecour, although complaining volubly in interviews about the rule changes, finished second on the Monte Carlo.

somebody who's always defended their interests quite aggressively—and volubly—but has been a good partner.

Star Trek fans protested volubly on numerous internet discussion boards.

Sesotho nouns; with a derivation of ukuqamunda [uk’u!amunda], meaning “talk volubly”), but it is now more often referred to as Ringas (from English ringers.

who called her "the high priestess of Jumperism" wrote "the woman prayed volubly, and used her long arms freely in gesticulation…actually screaming in a.

" Alan Gibson wrote about him more volubly: "He thought about the game a lot.

At the sight of them the crowd grieved volubly.

often occurred, he would throw his arms around, stomp about, and swear volubly in German.

" As Ruby Cohn quips, "she endures volubly.



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