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walk in Meaning in Bengali

 এতো বড়ো যে ভিতরে ঢোকা যায়, প্রবেশসাধ্য,


প্রবেশসাধ্য, এতো বড়ো যে ভিতরে ঢোকা যায়,

walk in's Usage Examples:

His walk in space was originally to have taken place on the Voskhod 1 mission, but.

application, the value of π can be approximated by the use of a random walk in an agent-based modeling environment.

17, 1952  United States Third woman to walk in space.


perambulate; tramp; sneak; flounder; limp; totter; paddle; swagger; plod; careen; pace; take the air; hike; creep; tap; mosey; stumble; leg it; tread down; reel; dodder; trample; gimp; foot; stagger; coggle; cock; prowl; scuffle; tiptoe; lurch; lollop; pound; prance; step; shuffle; falter; stalk; hoof; pad; traipse; tippytoe; hoof it; stroll; march; stomp; toe; walk about; wade; somnambulate; tramp down; tread; swag; toddle; sashay; clump; move; stride; amble; locomote; footslog; saunter; pussyfoot; bumble; hitch; flounce; ruffle; travel; trudge; spacewalk; slink; go; keel; slog; walk around; strut; clomp; hobble; slouch; tittup; waddle; tip; stamp; shlep; ambulate; promenade; lumber; mince; process; skulk; mouse; sleepwalk; shamble; stump;


ride; stay in place; opening; gladden; stay;

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