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wallaby Meaning in Bengali

 ক্ষুদ্র ক্যাঙ্গারু বিশেষ


ক্ষুদ্র ক্যাঙ্গারুবিশেষ,

wallaby's Usage Examples:

A wallaby (/ˈwɒləbi/) is a small or middle-sized macropod native to Australia and New Guinea, with introduced populations in New Zealand, Hawaii, the.

The quokka, also known as the short-tailed scrub wallaby (/ˈkwɒkə/) (Setonix brachyurus), the only member of the genus Setonix, is a small macropod about.

The red-necked wallaby or Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) is a medium-sized macropod marsupial (wallaby), common in the more temperate and fertile.

Notamacropus Agile wallaby (N.

agilis) Black-striped wallaby (N.

dorsalis) Tammar wallaby (N.

eugenii) Western brush wallaby (N.

irma) Parma wallaby (N.

these informal terms could be: wallabies: head and body length of 45–105 cm and tail length of 33–75 cm; the dwarf wallaby (the smallest of all known macropod.

swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) is a small macropod marsupial of eastern Australia.

This wallaby is also commonly known as the black wallaby, with other.

The yellow-footed rock-wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus), formerly known as the ring-tailed rock-wallaby, is a member of the macropod family (the marsupial.

The agile wallaby (Macropus agilis) also known as the sandy wallaby, is a species of wallaby found in northern Australia and New Guinea.

bridled nail-tail wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata), also known as the bridled nail-tailed wallaby, bridled nailtail wallaby, bridled wallaby, merrin, and flashjack.

brush-tailed rock-wallaby or small-eared rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) is a kind of wallaby, one of several rock-wallabies in the genus Petrogale.

The tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii or Notamacropus eugenii), also known as the dama wallaby or darma wallaby, is a small macropod native to South and.

Godman's rock-wallaby (Petrogale godmani) is a diprotodont marsupial, and a typical rock-wallaby.

rock-wallaby (Petrogale lateralis), also known as the black-footed rock-wallaby or warru, is a species of wallaby, one of several rock-wallabies in the.

The black-striped wallaby (Macropus dorsalis), also known as the scrub wallaby or eastern brush wallaby, is a medium-sized wallaby found in Australia,.


brush kangaroo; rock kangaroo; common wallaby; kangaroo hare; rock wallaby; kangaroo; tree wallaby; paddymelon; pademelon; tree kangaroo; nail-tailed kangaroo; nail-tailed wallaby; hare wallaby; Macropus agiles;

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