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warm front Meaning in Bengali


উষ্ণ সামনে,

warm front's Usage Examples:

warm front is cooler than the cool air ahead of the warm front and plows under both air masses.

A warm front is a density discontinuity located at the leading edge of a homogeneous warm air mass, and is typically located on the equator-facing edge.

overtakes a warm front, such that the warm air is separated (occluded) from the cyclone center at the surface.

The point where the warm front becomes the.

ahead of the warm front are mostly stratiform with precipitation that increases gradually as the front approaches.

Ahead of a warm front, descending cloud.

Cold fronts often follow a warm front or squall line.

Very commonly, cold fronts have a warm front ahead but with a perpendicular orientation.

A stationary front may form when a cold or warm front slows down, or it may grow over time from underlying surface temperature.

conjoined altocumulus perlucidus is sometimes found preceding a weakening warm front, where the altostratus is starting to fragment, resulting in patches of.

They can indicate an approaching warm front; however, they can also be an indication that fair weather will follow.

visible, which often precedes the approach of a weakened or upper level warm front.

precipitation bands in an otherwise stable region, such as in front of a warm front.

Cirrostratus clouds sometimes signal the approach of a warm front if they form after cirrus and spread from one area across the sky, and.

Meanwhile, its associated warm front progresses more slowly, as the cooler air ahead of the system is denser.

Nimbostratus occurs along a warm front or occluded front where the slowly rising warm air mass creates nimbostratus.

precipitation develops poleward of the warm front along the conveyor belt.

Active precipitation poleward of the warm front implies potential for greater development.

A warm front stretched along the Gulf Coast, separating warm, moist air from cool,.

transports warm and moist air just ahead of the cold front above the surface warm front.

Cirrocumulus appears almost exclusively with cirrus some way ahead of a warm front and is a reliable forecaster that the weather is about to change.

A pseudo-warm front is a boundary between the in-flow region and the forward-flank downdraft of a supercell.

the west side, while a warm front forms on the east side.

Usually, the cold front moves at a quicker pace than the warm front and "catches up" with it.


forefront; forepart; head; side; face; front end;


rear; starboard; reverse; larboard; bottom;

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