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waste of effort Meaning in Bengali


প্রচেষ্টার বর্জ্য,

waste of effort's Usage Examples:

British General Bernard Montgomery had predicted Baytown would be a waste of effort because it assumed the Germans would give battle in Calabria; if they.

Producing full listings may be a waste of effort because wdis (the Open Watcom disassembler) does a very good job.

Work on "wrong theories" represented, Løvtrup wrote, "a terrible waste of effort and time, and block[ed] further progress.

resistance from the armed forces, who considered the operation to be a waste of effort.

trying to stop Sharpton from coming "would be a futile gesture and a waste of effort".

"delusionally influenced" and "politically oriented" thinking as a waste of effort.

The base that had originally been envisaged now looked like a waste of effort, because Salamaua was a poor site for a port or airbase.

Oberst Radl, to undertake the study, despite feeling that it is all a waste of effort.

Times of India rated 3/5 stars while stating that "the movie is a waste of effort as it is done without any imagination" while panning the director's.

He predicted it would be a waste of effort since it assumed the Germans would give battle in Calabria; if they.

While e-publishing has been a costly waste of effort for others, Baen Books quickly began earning more from electronic sales.

typically choose kernel functions with compact support), it would be a waste of effort to calculate the summations above over every particle in a large simulation.

the government nearly half a million dollars in money and a serious waste of effort.

The British reported that bombing jungles was largely a waste of effort due to inaccurate targeting and the inability to confirm if a target.

to withdraw, annoying the United States, who viewed diplomacy as a waste of effort and advocated a forceful solution.

story, characters and visuals, calling it "a limp, painfully directive waste of effort.

aircraft, regarding them as established successes and the VFW 614 as a waste of effort to market; furthermore, Dutch management was alleged by Mendenhall.

wisdom, a shallow heart, and an arrogant mind? It would just be a waste of effort.


wastefulness; dissipation; waste of energy; waste;


inactivity; providence; underspend; recuperate; conserve;

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