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water table Meaning in Bengali




water table শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

১৯০০ সালে এটির উদ্গিরণ শুরু হয় এবং ভূমিধসে স্থানীয় ভুজলতল পরিবর্তন হবার আগ পর্যন্ত পর্যায়ক্রমে চার বছর ধরে উদ্গিরিত হয় ।

পা‌নি ভুজলতল এবং জলস্তরের ভূ-গর্ভস্থ পা‌নি‌কে আধান প্রদান ক‌রতে পা‌নি প্রবা‌হিত হয় ।

water table's Usage Examples:

The water table is the upper surface of the zone of saturation.

and voids in rock become completely saturated with water is called the water table.

expressed as a flux to the water table surface.

Groundwater recharge also encompasses water moving away from the water table farther into the saturated.

, water table aquifers occur where the groundwater level at the top of the aquifer.

resulted in a significant lowering of the water table.

In the example of Belgium, a lowering of the water table by 100 meters has been the result.

lb/ft^3) hw is the depth below the water table (m), The standard method for measuring pore water pressure below the water table employs a piezometer, which measures.

A water table is a projection of lower masonry on the outside of a wall slightly above the ground.

into: infiltration tests in cavities above the water table slug tests in cavities below the water table The methods of determination of hydraulic conductivity.

8,000 years ago than it is today, the pond originally sat above the water table, and was filled only by rainfall and runoff from the surrounding land.

Because of its high water table, substantial rainfall, and often flat geography, the U.

This typically coincides with the lowest level of the water table.

Fluctuations in water table in a peat bog occur within the acrotelm, and hence conditions.

usage associated with population growth has caused a lowering of the water table and the subsequent contamination of the groundwater with saltwater from.

Muskeg tends to have a water table near the surface.

wetland is level with the water table.

The water table fluctuates.

Gravel pits often lie in river valleys where the water table is high, so they may naturally fill with water to form ponds or lakes.

Soil salination can occur as the water table falls and the surrounding soil begins to dry out.

The water table lies 749 meters above sea level.

is below the water table level.

Sump pumps are used where basement flooding happens regularly and to solve dampness where the water table is above the.

above the water table at a pressure less than atmospheric.

The vadose zone does not include the area that is still saturated above the water table, often.


water of crystallization; liquid; bath water; dishwater; fresh water; perspiration; atomic number 1; freshwater; snow mist; ice; distilled water; brine; tap water; atomic number 8; water ice; teardrop; flake; hard water; oxygen; spring water; holy water; well water; water of crystallisation; ice crystal; water of hydration; sudor; limewater; O; body of water; ground water; frost mist; soft water; bilge water; H; frost snow; bilge; meltwater; ice needle; H2O; binary compound; saltwater; slush; poudrin; snowflake; tear; diamond dust; seawater; sweat; hydrogen;


fresh water; saltwater; soft water; hard water; linger;

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