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watertable Meaning in Bengali


watertable's Usage Examples:

slight variation in size and shape, and dressed stone sills, lintels, and watertable.

Ffynhonnau and Ogof Hesp Alyn, which were discovered in the 1970s after the watertable had changed due to the mine-workings earlier in the century.

needed] In 1980, the national park was described as follows: Blue Lake is a watertable lake in the coastal sandmass of North Stradbroke Island.

between depth and spacing of parallel subsurface drains, depth of the watertable, depth and hydraulic conductivity of the soils.

The lintels and watertable are dressed stone.

The window sills, lintels and watertable are dressed stone.

water tables that can lead to problems of irrigation salinity requiring watertable control by some form of subsurface land drainage.

may involve any combination of stormwater control, erosion control, and watertable control.

The watertable, lintels and window sills are all stone.

Leptic Cambisol, Skeletic Regosol) clays of floodplains with very high watertable with moderate to good natural fertility (Eutric Gleysol, Gleyic Cambisol).

and is a symmetrically massed, one story brick building with a stone watertable.

walls are covered with stucco and encircled by a three foot high brick watertable.

five-bay, steel-framed building on a raised foundation with a cast-stone watertable and clad in orange/buff-colored brick.

It is a symmetrically massed one story brick building with a stone watertable in the Colonial Revival style.

a three-story, yellow brick building above a sandstone foundation and watertable in the Romanesque Revival style.

with the water management like irrigation, drainage, pumping from wells, watertable control, and the operation of retention or infiltration basins, which.

It is a one-story brick structure on a stone watertable in the Colonial Revival style.

National Estate for the Blue Lake National Park as follows: Blue Lake is a watertable lake in the coastal sandmass of North Stradbroke Island.

watertable's Meaning in Other Sites