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wave theory Meaning in Bengali




wave theory শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সনাতন পদার্থবিদ্যায় আলো তরঙ্গ হিসেবে বিবেচিত হলেও আলোর অনেক ধর্মই তরঙ্গতত্ত্ব দ্বারা অনুধাবনযোগ্য নয় ।

যেভাবেই হোক,ম্যাক্সওয়েলের তরঙ্গতত্ত্ব আলোর সব ধর্ম ব্যাখ্যা করতে পারে না ।

এই বইতেই তিনি তার বিখ্যাত তরঙ্গতত্ত্ব প্রথম উপস্থাপন করেন ।

ম্যাক্সওয়েলের তরঙ্গতত্ত্ব ধারণা দেয় যে আলোকতরঙ্গ-এর শক্তি শুধুমাত্র ।

প্রায় অর্ধসহস্রাব্দী-প্রাচীন আলোর তরঙ্গতত্ত্বের ।

অ্যালবার্ট আইনস্টাইন লিখেছেন: "আমার মনে হয় যে আমাদের কখনো কখনও একটি তত্ত্ব (তরঙ্গতত্ত্ব) এবং কখনও কখনও অন্যটি (কণাতত্ত্ব) ব্যবহার করতে হবে, যদিও মাঝে মাঝে আমরা ।

wave theory's Usage Examples:

later, after a wave theory of light became firmly established as the model for light (as has been explained, neither a particle or wave theory is fully correct).

In fluid dynamics, Airy wave theory (often referred to as linear wave theory) gives a linearised description of the propagation of gravity waves on the.

In theoretical physics, the pilot wave theory, also known as Bohmian mechanics, was the first known example of a hidden-variable theory, presented by.

Stokes's wave theory is of direct practical use for waves on intermediate and deep water.

) This was one of the investigations that led to the victory of the wave theory of light over the then predominant corpuscular theory.

arose in the late 19th century involving a contradiction between the wave theory of light and measurements of the electromagnetic spectra that were being.

Density wave theory or the Lin–Shu density wave theory is a theory proposed by C.

In historical linguistics, the wave model or wave theory (German Wellentheorie) is a model of language change in which a new language feature (innovation).

Airy wave theory — has full frequency dispersion, so valid for arbitrary depth and wavelength.

Young is credited with establishing the wave theory of light, in contrast to the particle theory of Isaac Newton.

The standing edge wave theory is based on an interaction, near the shoreline, between the waves that.

whose research in optics led to the almost unanimous acceptance of the wave theory of light, excluding any remnant of Newton's corpuscular theory, from.

diffraction and interference, which require an understanding of the wave theory of light of Christiaan Huygens.

This experiment played a major role in the general acceptance of the wave theory of light.

group speed depend on the dispersion relation, and are derived from Airy wave theory as: ω 2 = g k tanh ( k h ) , c p = ω k and c g = 1 2 c p [ 1 + k h 1.

analysts, such as Glenn Neely, that do not fully subscribe to Elliott's wave theory, but have used it as a starting point to develop their own wave prediction.

The de Broglie–Bohm theory, also known as the pilot wave theory, Bohmian mechanics, Bohm's interpretation, and the causal interpretation, is an interpretation.

Plane polarized light: According to the wave theory of light, an ordinary ray of light is consider to be vibrating in all.

waves (λ ≫ h) with small Ursell number, U ≪ 32 π2 / 3 ≈ 100, linear wave theory is applicable.


hypothesis; law; atomic theory; law of nature; structuralism; reductionism; blastogenesis; structural sociology; possibility; holistic theory; economic theory; scientific theory; atomism; atomistic theory; structural anthropology; theory of preformation; field theory; atomist theory; explanation; holism; preformation;


atomism; holism; wave theory; wave theory of light; corpuscular theory of light;

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