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waylaying Meaning in Bengali

হামলার গোপন অপেক্ষা


ত্তৎ পাতিয়া থাকা, পথিমধ্যে আটক করা, পাকড়াত্ত করা,

waylaying's Usage Examples:

From that time on the Kaiǀkhauan controlled important trade routes, waylaying and robbing trade treks, and were considered a very powerful and dangerous.

turned into a Yakshi, (a class of mythical beings in Malayalam folklore) waylaying men with her beauty and drinking their blood.

with the dried up shrublands of western ilocos riverbeds, and known for waylaying large travelling groups, causing them to be lost until the entire group.

from no disorder or violence, however extreme, and capped the climax by waylaying Domitius, as he was coming down into the forum before day-break with his.

Sauron, the One Ring is permanently destroyed as a result of Gollum's waylaying of Frodo at Mount Doom.

Members would dress in leopard skins, waylaying travelers with sharp claw-like weapons in the form of leopards' claws.

south or various small lanes in other directions, a favourite spot for waylaying coaches.

waged a guerrilla war to some success, destroying Spanish provisions and waylaying several scouts.

The first act opens at night, with the rebel Beamish Mac Coul waylaying and robbing the cowardly rent-collector Michael Feeny.

Eight men of General Imboden's Confederate command, who had been waylaying wagon trains in the north, crossed into neighboring Tucker County where.

They started by waylaying travellers on the highways between Madras and Travancore, an act in which.

There, Chul-gon has more important business to attend to, waylaying a senator (Park Yeong-gyu) whom he had helped into office but who has.

The adventure begins when the player characters hear reports of bandits waylaying and attacking caravans in a jungle region.

their technological advantage of commanding firearms and horses they were waylaying and robbing merchants.

troopers, who gave him a choice of being killed or being an accomplice to waylaying a disguised servant of a rajah who had sent said servant with a valuable.

The Beast revives as Satan and sneaks up on God, waylaying him with a shovel and starting a fistfight between the two.

this region are known as eyiner, maravar and kalvar who were involved in waylaying, highway robbery and soldiering.

the Maer charges Kvothe with hunting a group of bandits that have been waylaying taxmen in The Eld.

Richest Duck in the World, "every chisler from Cape Town to Nome would be waylaying me!" It's not until the photographer threatens to rip a five thousand.

waylaying's Meaning':

wait in hiding to attack


ambush; bushwhack; ambuscade; wait; lie in wait; scupper; lurk;


refrain; activity; idle; show;

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