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wearing Meaning in Bengali




wearing শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যে সকল অঞ্চলে গরম এবং আর্দ্রতার কারণে ট্রাউজার পরিধান কষ্টসাধ্য হয়ে উঠে সে সব অঞ্চলেই এটি পরা হয় ।

স্বস্তিপূর্ণভাবে পরা হয়, যাতে এর দৈর্ঘ্য সহজেই ঠিক করে নেওয়া যায় ।

একটি ছোট সিল্ক জ্যাকেট বা টোয়েগো কিরার উপরে পরা যেতে পারে ।

নাকের যেকোনো একপাশে ছিদ্র করে তাকে ঘিরে বৃত্তাকার যে অলঙ্কার পরা হয় তাকে নথ বলে ।

উপমহাদেশের মহিলাদের পরিধেয় গোড়ালি পর্যন্ত দৈর্ঘ্যের স্কার্টের একটি রূপ, যা ভারতীয় উপমহাদেশে বিশেষত- ভারতের হিন্দি বলয় অঞ্চলে পরা হয় ।

বিভিন্ন আঞ্চলিক সংস্কৃতির ওপর ভিত্তি করে এটি মূলত ডান বা বাম হাতের অনামিকায় পরা হয় ।

অন্ত্রিয়ের সমন্বয়ে গঠিত একটি তিন অংশের একত্রে পরিধেয় পোশাক; কাঁধ বা মাথার উপর একটি পর্দা উত্তরিয়া পরা; এবং স্তনপাট্টা বা বুকবন্ধনী ।

wearing's Usage Examples:

The wearing of clothing is mostly restricted to human beings and is a feature of all.

Communities with prominent turban-wearing traditions can be found in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, the.

each team wearing a set of matching shirts had not been universally adopted, so each side would distinguish itself from the other by wearing a specific.

Halachic authorities debate as to whether wearing a kippah at all times is required.

is wearing them.

The day after the decision, women in the Italian Parliament protested by wearing jeans.

The wearing of non-medical face masks in public to lessen transmission of COVID-19 in the United States was first recommended by the CDC on April 3, 2020.

The team captain is usually identified by the wearing of an armband.

his treatise The Veiling of Virgins to some "pagan" women of "Arabia" wearing a veil that covers not only their head but also the entire face.

individually targeted, it falls within the scope of legislation which bans the wearing of any religious items (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or other) in state schools.

000-to-30,000-year-old Venus of Willendorf figurine may depict a woman wearing a woven hat.

personifications, in particular France's Marianne, are commonly depicted wearing the Phrygian cap.

the greater the garment's supposed value and the status of the person wearing it.

This can occur during a pandemic when health experts recommend wearing face coverings in order to reduce the spread of disease.

balding) maintain the ancient legal practice of wearing large black skullcaps, in their case when wearing their robes outdoors in cold weather (for example.

When the token is a medal, ribbon or other item designed for wearing, it is known as a decoration.

Wey (衞懿公) wearing paofu, from Wise and Benevolent Women (列女仁智圖) by Jin dynasty's Gu Kaizhi.

A man wearing paofu.

Back view of a man wearing paofu with.

of a person wearing a particular garment, or by wearing the clothing themselves.

The arousal may come from the look one achieves by wearing the clothes.


wearying; exhausting; effortful; tiring;


behave; disinflation; inflation; increase; effortless;

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