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wheelwrights Meaning in Bengali


চাকা ও চাকাওয়ালা গাড়ির প্রস্তুতকারক,

wheelwrights's Usage Examples:

like the Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights, wheelwrights still continue to operate in the UK.

In modern times, wheelwrights continue to make and repair.

A master wainwright employs several craftsmen, including wheelwrights, blacksmiths and painters.

'wheel-hub elm'), was considered in France to be the best elm for use by wheelwrights, its timber especially suitable for hubs of wheels.

It contains a collection of tools used by craftsmen such as wheelwrights, carpenters, shoemakers and wood carvers from around 1850 to 1950.

The settlement was also later home to two shoe shops, a dressmaker, wheelwrights, a blacksmith, a harness shop, an agricultural implements warehouse,.

blacksmith, a shoemaker, a baker, a shopkeeper who held the post office, two wheelwrights, one of whom operated at Mannings Heath, and the publicans of The Black.

that included a butcher, a corn miller, a weaver, two blacksmiths, two wheelwrights, two grocers, three shoemakers, four tailors, twelve farmers, two schoolmasters.

In larger communities blacksmiths often worked in conjunction with wheelwrights to manufacture and repair vehicle wheels.

Occupations included eight farmers, two wheelwrights, a blacksmith, two tailors, a milliner, a shoemaker, a shopkeeper, and.

whom were land owners, four shoemakers, three grocers, two tailors, two wheelwrights, a blacksmith, a corn miller, a horse dealer, and the landlord of the.

During the reign of King Matthias Corvinus in the 15th century, the wheelwrights of Kocs began to build a horse-drawn vehicle with steel-spring suspension.

Occupations included eleven farmers, three wheelwrights, two blacksmiths, two grocers, two shoemakers, three tailors, a tanner.

one of whom was also a grocer and another a wheelwright, two further wheelwrights, a blacksmith, two shoemakers, two tailors, and the landlord of The Board.

had a population of 154, with occupations including six farmers, two wheelwrights, a blacksmith, a shoemaker, and the licensed victualler of The Crown.

Occupations included sixteen farmers, three wheelwrights, a bricklayer, a grocer, a blacksmith, and the landlord of the Sun public.


wright; wheeler;

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