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whinchat Meaning in Bengali

কটা-এবং-বাদামি ইউরোপীয় শ্যামল Meadows এর গায়ক পক্ষী

whinchat's Usage Examples:

The whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) is a small migratory passerine bird breeding in Europe and western Asia and wintering in central Africa.

The heaths have strong breeding populations of whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) and stonechat (Saxicola torquata).

after the wheatear, a small northern bird related to the stonechat and whinchat.

include snipe, lapwing, redshank, curlew, water rail, yellow wagtail and whinchat.

Birds include firecrest, whinchat, ring ouzel, wood warbler, spotted flycatcher and pied flycatcher.

Birds include wheatears, stonechat, whinchat and ring ouzels.

large population of golden plover, as well as red grouse, curlew, lapwing, whinchat, snipe, twite, ring ouzel and merlin.

intermediate between summer males and females, with a supercilium resembling the whinchat (S.

stonechat and the whinchat; its body size and shape reminiscent of a lithe European robin.

Its upperparts are generally coloured as the whinchat, but more contrasting.

have distinctively short wings, shorter than those of the more migratory whinchat and Siberian stonechat.

The whinchat has a prominent white supercilium.

while scrub and heath have breeding stonechat (Saxicola torquata) and whinchat (Saxicola rubetra).

The team were successful in spotting the whinchat for the first time in India.

regularly, and other species present include raven, wheatear, stonechat, whinchat, snipe and red grouse.

woodlark and stonechat are regularly seen, birds such as Dartford warbler, whinchat, wheatear, tree pipit and redstart are frequently encountered.

grouse, hen harrier, merlin, golden plover, curlew, skylark, meadow pipit, whinchat, ring ouzel, and twite.

whinchat's Meaning':

brown-and-buff European songbird of grassy meadows

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