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wicked person Meaning in Bengali

 বিদ্বেষপূর্ণ ব্যক্তি,

wicked person's Usage Examples:

Twit is a wicked person, having hair that covers his entire face, with the exception of his.

manifestation of the Seven Deadly Sins of Man, who can simultaneously possess a wicked person (in this case, Mr.

a graveyard as a devil or devils comes to collect a recently buried wicked person.

He is said to be a dark and wicked person completely obsessed with destruction.

being of superhuman powers; figuratively "devil" may be applied to a wicked person, or playfully to a rogue or rascal, or in empathy often accompanied.

head of their body, chanting the Ustavaiti Gathas with joy, while a wicked person sits at the feet of the corpse, wails and recites the Yasna.

If everyone could do this and suffer no disaster, what wicked person would not do so? Instead, within an instant disaster fell, the feet.

the Torah" (1:1) "Keep far from an evil neighbor, do not befriend a wicked person, and do not despair of divine retribution" (1:7) "Evaluate the loss.

and other holy people, and "the name of the wicked shall perish" on a wicked person.

Chokkalingam is a cunning and wicked person who is encouraged by his accounts Kalyanam (M.

The inscription describes Sajjana as "the most wicked person of the land", who was sent to the abode of Yama (the god of death) by.

The Yājñavalkya Smṛti warns, "the wicked person who kills animals which are protected has to live in hell fire for the.

under a mountain which, he is afraid, may fall on him; whereas the wicked person considers his sins as flies passing over his nose and he just drives.

blame Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis - referring to him as "the number one most wicked person in the whole world", along with senior Sephardi rabbi Joseph Dweck,.

Depending on the storyline the "non-Christian" may be a stereotypical "wicked person" (such as a criminal; an example being the eponymous character of the.

falls into sin, his virtue will not help him escape punishment, while a wicked person who repents in time may still recover "as from a distemper".

character and Do not yield any disbelieving oath monger, slanderer and wicked person.

Miller described Mike Todd as a "wicked person" and praised Abbie Hoffman's suicide as a "mitzvah.




impersonal; public;

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