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without restraint Meaning in Bengali

 নিয়ন্ত্রণ ব্যতিরেকে,

without restraint's Usage Examples:

Café) and indulging generally in conspicuous consumption activities without restraint.

such as yet once more I trust to have Full sight of her in Heaven without restraint, Came vested all in white, pure as her mind; Her face was veil'd,.

or manufactured products, and to ship and drive the same to market without restraint, paying any tax thereon which is now or may be levied by the United.

photo series ,"Sex and Takeout," a play on food porn and indulging without restraint.

freedom of speech in the family, with everyone speaking their mind without restraint.

the phrase suggests "to go for the jugular" merely means to attack without restraint.

'Svecchācāra' means: acting as one likes, arbitrariness, acting without restraint.

screaming, to train husbandry behaviors such as allowing claw trimming without restraint or accepting a parrot harness, and to teach various tricks.

contentions happening to occur, insurge or begin within the limits thereof, without restraint or provocation to any foreign princes or potentates of the world.

Similarly, those who were without restraint have ceased to be without restraint.

governor and his successors enjoyed their authority in New France without restraint.

faced trial again, but escaped (he had been allowed to move about without restraint) until Brents again captured him on February 24, 1915.

economic, social, and political framework of Luxembourg was swept away without restraint.

Eventually, Christian churches were allowed to operate without restraint after years of surveillance, harassment and brutality by the communist.

for massive and destructive exploitation of the system's resources, without restraint, by the probe.

their faces and with clubs in their hands went about "assaulting without restraint free men and respectable women, perpetrating murders of no common.

Drilling a "relief well" to relieve the pressure of a well producing without restraint (a "blowout").

realistic to its Western setting, and which would allow Pryor to work without restraint.

possesses that indefinable something which makes you laugh heartily and without restraint at what in others would be called commonplace actions.


control; temperateness; stiff upper lip; restraint;


unrestraint; inactivity; derestrict; powerlessness; intemperance;

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