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woad Meaning in Bengali

woad's Usage Examples:

called woad (/ˈwoʊd/), dyer's woad, or glastum, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae.

Europeans wore clothing coloured with the vegetable dye woad until it was replaced by the finer indigo from America.

The temporary woad mill taken down.

the finest English wools, and always dyed with kermes, even if mixed with woad, and other dyestuffs.

Plant-based dyes such as woad (Isatis tinctoria), indigo, saffron, and madder were raised commercially.

species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names woad-leaved ragwort, holly-leaved senecio, and pink ragwort.

insect dyes such as Tyrian purple and kermes and plant-based dyes such as woad, indigo and madder were important elements of the economies of Asia and Europe.

the color derives from russet, a coarse cloth made of wool and dyed with woad and madder to give it a subdued grey or reddish-brown shade.

major trade-routes like Görlitz, which obtained staple rights for salt and woad, and Lviv gained them in 1444.

and from the woad plant Isatis tinctoria, also known as pastel.

For a long time, woad was the main source of blue dye in Europe.

The common name Woad House is based on the woad that was stored in this building in the 16th century.

woad (Isatis tinctoria) to produce greens such as Lincoln green.

The dye was in use by the first millennium BC, and perhaps earlier than either woad or.

This name means "the hill where woad grows".

substitute for woad, and the cultivation of woad became uneconomical in Europe.

Today, the dark blue dye known as indigo once produced from woad and Indigofera.

Its other common names include dyer's whin, waxen woad and waxen wood.


dyer"s woad; Isatis; genus Isatis; herbaceous plant; Isatis tinctoria; herb;

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