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womaniser Meaning in Bengali

 অসচ্চরিত্র ব্যক্তি,


অসচ্চরিত্র ব্যক্তি,

womaniser's Usage Examples:

Mehmet is portrayed as a charmer, rogue and a serial womaniser, and makes recurring appearances in EastEnders from 1985 to 1987, and.

life of a womaniser, Richard (Mohanlal), who along with his friends used to seduce, gang rape and kill girls.

It is the story of a womaniser, Richard,.

examination of the private life of Mbeki, Du Preez said: "He is seen as a womaniser.

In folklore, Cearbhall is presented as a womaniser and trickster similar to the Gobán Saor.

A writer for the Daily Mirror branded Alex a womaniser and said he was arrogant and self-centred.

In this version, Tom is a compulsive womaniser and not to be trusted at all.

Galton and Alan Simpson, Casanova '73 starred Leslie Phillips as wealthy womaniser Henry Newhouse (the English translation of "casa nova").

Jimmy's End: Louche and hard-drinking womaniser James Mitchum finds himself wandering into one strange bar too many.

at Leisure by Hubert Monteilhet, it tells the story of an inveterate womaniser who, after marrying an unattractive but rich girl, seduces her prettier.

amateur jump jockey, horse trainer and a "drinker, gambler and serial womaniser".

Once a hedonistic womaniser and troublemaker in the third and fourth series of Skins, Cook was last.

become a womaniser like his father Mike Baldwin (Johnny Briggs), Robertson replied: "Oh yes, it’s in my contract! Absolutely Adam’s a womaniser and at the.

Deepak Sareen and written by Honey Irani, the film stars Salman Khan as womaniser Sooraj and Twinkle Khanna as his first real love.

The medic is played as a lothario and womaniser type character.

Harry was also billed as a womaniser and a love triangle developed between him, Gemma Wilde (Ty Glaser) and.

A notorious womaniser, he is best known for being the central figure in the royal baccarat scandal.

Algadrie, and Moesa, it follows a womaniser named Soedrajat who abuses his status to gain women's trust before ultimately.

viewers may have taken as implying that this was a genuine Pope who was a womaniser.


Lothario; rounder; Don Juan; masher; Casanova; womanizer; debauchee; skirt chaser; adult male; wolf; man; libertine; woman chaser; philanderer;


female; juvenile; moral; good person; woman;

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