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wretchedly Meaning in Bengali

 দীনভাবে, অতি দুঃখে,


অতি দুঃখে, দীনভাবে,

wretchedly's Usage Examples:

match to Romania's Eusebiu Diaconu on technical superiority, and was wretchedly pinned by U.

happened to be his own grandson, through his daughter Farangis), wandered wretchedly and fearfully around, and eventually took refuge in this cave and died.

Ashabaliyev wretchedly pinned Ukraine's Mirabi Valiyev in his opening bout, but he could not.

Public spending rose, and Gladstone pronounced Lowe "wretchedly deficient"; most historians agree.

opening match to France's Anna Gomis on technical superiority, and was wretchedly pinned by South Korea's Lee Na-lae that left her on the bottom of the.

champion Sim Kwon-ho of South Korea on technical superiority and was wretchedly pinned by Kazakhstan's Rakymzhan Assembekov, leaving him on the bottom.

Throughout the book, Flinn intersperses dozens of recipes, accounts of her "wretchedly inadequate" French, stories of competitive classmates and the love story.

But the event proved that they were wretchedly deceived.

itself only passively thrown into What Is, which is not seen through, even wretchedly recognized".

along each segment from "most excellent", "roughish", to "very bad" to "wretchedly bad".

survivors were evicted, whereupon they had their goods stolen and were wretchedly mistreated.

I found the second mediocre and the live job that followed it wretchedly excessive, but this one—their fourth in just fourteen months—gets back:.

Throughout the novel, various forms of this are used, such as "wretchedly" and "wretchedness", which may be seen as polyptoton.

open in his coulere: wherein the indifferent Reader may easily see howe wretchedly and loosely he hath handled the cause against M.

and glory this concert was absolutely magnificent but the profits were wretchedly meager" (letter, 16 May 1789).

Hendel was wretchedly sung.

these "king's schooners" were found to sail wretchedly, and proved so crank and unseaworthy, that almost every one of them that.

has been done so much better so many times before, that this version is wretchedly unnecessary .

the mountains of the Guadarrama front, and their condition deteriorated wretchedly in the Tagus River valley.

Eurybarus realized that he could neither defend him nor let him perish wretchedly.

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