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written below Meaning in Bengali


written below's Usage Examples:

penguin Segol vowel written below consonant [e̞] e men Patach vowel written below consonant [ä] a father Kamatz vowel written below consonant [ä], (or.

" The names of the donors are written below each of the donor categories.

This is written below in musical notation with the essential chord tones coloured black and.

in a traditional cursive style on a white background, with "Moscow" written below it, partially covering a football underneath.

The motto: Courage and Confidence was written below in a white ribbon.

She is holding a cornucopia with prosperity written below her.

M Me, May N Non, Nation, National, Begin, Beyond Begin/Beyond are written below the line but Non, Nation and National are special outlines that use.

There is a blue strip on the left, with GB written below and the Markhor symbol above.

base hit, the basepath is drawn and 1B or – (for a single-base hit) is written below.

The motto is written below as: superba et confidens (English: Proud and confident).

those compiled by a so-called "batch compiler", as written below) except through code duplication or metaprogramming.

My siblings and I know the truth about this matter and what is written below as "fact" is actually incorrect.

4 to get 20, which is written below and subtracted from the existing 20 to yield the remainder 0, which is then written below the second 20.

) and hairline crescendos and diminuendos are written below the line of music to which they apply, as in Western notation.

gradually stronger and then gradually quieter: Hairpins are usually written below the staff (or between the two staves in a grand staff), but are sometimes.

For example, one grouping technique is to separate the marks written below letters from those written above.

Persons unaccounted for and/or location of other victims is written below the square.

The name of the club was written below in red.

q k Ϭ Often written below the line.

The caret symbol is written below the line of text for a line-level punctuation mark, such as a comma.


inscribed; left-slanting; scripted; cursive; graphical; holographic; engrossed; longhand; backhand; shorthand; scrivened; handwritten; in writing; graphic;


unscripted; spoken; inattentive; forehand; unrealistic;

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