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yellow iris Meaning in Bengali


হলুদ Iris,

yellow iris's Usage Examples:

Iris pseudacorus, the yellow flag, yellow iris, or water flag, is a species of flowering plant in the family Iridaceae.

Iris flavescens, also known as the lemonyellow iris, is a species of Iris that has distichous leaves and pale yellow flowers.

Plants include yellow iris, great willowherb and hoary willowherb.

variety of flora including saw sedge, marsh pennywort, yellow loosestrife, yellow iris and the rare green figwort.

A small pond has a clump of yellow iris, and common frogs and smooth newts.

the emblem of the Brussels-Capital Region depict the Iris pseudacorus (yellow iris), a flower native to the Brussels area.

Wetland plants include ragged-robin and yellow iris There is also a meadow which supports grassland plants.

The wet ground has plants such as tussock sedge, yellow iris and water forget-me-nots.

with a black beak, yellow wing bend, blue underwing coverts, and a pale yellow iris.

flower, joe-pye weed, purple monkeyflower, great blue lobelia, bulrush, yellow iris, American sycamore, cottonwood, box-elder, silver maple, Virginia bluebells.

It has yellow bill, black feet and yellow iris.

with velvet black crown, red facial feathers appearing as bare skin, yellow iris, long white ear coverts behind the eyes, and crimson legs.

The eye has a yellow iris in adults, dark in immatures; the bill is blackish with a paler base.

chestnut brown birds with a dark black cap, a whitish underside and pale yellow iris.

and whitish below; the bill and legs are yellowish, and the eye has a yellow iris.


yellow water flag; iris; fleur-de-lis; Iris pseudacorus; flag; yellow flag; sword lily;



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