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zealously Meaning in Bengali




zealously's Usage Examples:

vow to "abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous" and to "zealously seek to nurse those who are ill wherever they may be and whenever they.

endeavors to administer faithfully the executive department, and will zealously cooperate with you in every measure which may tend to secure the liberty.

magazine in the UK to focus on the White Stripes, whom it has covered as zealously as it has many older acts.

These Jews were announced to be living "zealously according to the Law of Moses".

He zealously began to encourage the people to cultivate the fields and vineyards, and.

when an attorney fails to adequately, professionally, competently, or zealously represent a client.

" This law, "which Derby had zealously promoted, provided a tax for the support of libraries in school districts.

In the presidential election of 1840, he zealously advocated the election of William Henry Harrison.

Entering upon the administration of the new diocese, he devoted himself zealously to the founding of new parishes and missions, provided a home for the.

"This system will survive because the people zealously guard this system.

Yang, who became Mao Zedong's favorite literary figure and after 1949 zealously enforced political orthodoxy.

around a literal pot of gold which the miserly protagonist, Euclio, guards zealously.

Starr King spoke zealously in favor of the Union and was credited by Abraham Lincoln with preventing.

Giosuè Carducci; in the 19th century it was planted with willows, and zealously monitored for pollution, it is open today as a paying tourist attraction.

the traditions of Gregory VII and of his own cousin Innocent III and zealously continued their policy of papal supremacy.

He zealously propagated Tibetan Buddhism among the Khalkha Mongols and founded the.

splendid monument to Hephaestion, and promised that if this work was zealously performed, he would overlook his misconduct.

sources of soda ash and the methods of processing it were secrets that were zealously guarded.

reformers of civil service and those who labored for its spoils, he worked zealously for its betterment and with gratifying results, as the civil service reform.

to Asia to take on Perdiccas, the Aetolians renewed the war, and were zealously supported in Thessaly by Menon, through whose influence it was probable.

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