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zigzagging Meaning in Bengali

 আঁকাবাঁকা হত্তয়া, আঁকিয়া বাঁকিয়া চলা,


আঁকাবাঁকা রাস্তা, আঁকাবাঁকা রেখা, আকস্মিক ক্ষুদ্র বাঁক,


আঁকিয়া-বাঁকিয়া চলা, আঁকাবাঁকা হত্তয়া,

zigzagging শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পাহাড় ঘেঁষা আঁকাবাঁকা রাস্তা

তারপরে আরদেন ভ্যালি রোড আঁকাবাঁকা রাস্তা ছেদ করে যায় ।

চা বাগানের মাঝে পিচঢালা আঁকাবাঁকা রাস্তা

নাগর্নো-কারাবাখের সীমানা পূর্ব দিক আঁকাবাঁকা রেখা সহ একটি সিমের বিচির সদৃশ্য ।

নিম্নপৃষ্ঠের শীর্ষভাগ থেকে পিছনের ডানার নিম্নপৃষ্ঠে টর্নাস পর্যন্ত একটি কালো আঁকাবাঁকা রেখা সর্বদা বিদ্যমান ।

zigzagging's Usage Examples:

onbe (御幣), or heisoku (幣束) are wooden wands, decorated with two shide (zigzagging paper streamers) used in Shinto rituals.

Henry noted, however, that abnormal sinuous or zigzagging growth "might occur in any kind of elm", and herbarium specimens of elms.

Then zigzagging is carefully sewed over top of the two threads without catching the threads.

long and narrow with each component strand functionally equivalent in zigzagging forward through the overlapping mass of the others.

decorated with engravings depicting the sun's rays, a staff, and wavy and zigzagging lines.

During the breeding season, males have a zigzagging flight display accompanied by regular "zitting" calls that have been likened.

But when the sea recedes, a natural zigzagging cobblestone causeway (a tombolo), over 10 metres wide, links the island.

" Literal "diagrams" inscribed in the landscape, such as the famous zigzagging pathway in the Koker Trilogy, indicate a "geometry of forces of life and.

Corokia species are shrubs or small trees with zigzagging (divaricating) branches.

inflated to compressed and have zigzagging, or looped ribs that end in oblique ventrolateral clavi.

Usually, ribs are zigzagging through venter.

It is also referred to as Coral Lake (珊瑚潭; Shānhútán) due to its zigzagging shoreline.

5 metres high, zigzagging over the northwest portion of the 4.

Some species have zigzagging ribs and these ribs ends usually thickened, or they can be raised into.

Railroad, the second street railway in Washington, which had a main line zigzagging north of Pennsylvania Avenue on streets including F Street North, and.

Early instars leave zigzagging tracks in the underside of leaves.

The inflorescence is a zigzagging series of branches bearing occasional flowers on thin pedicels.

apparently derived from Oregon pioneer Joel Palmer's description of the zigzagging route he used to descend from Mount Hood's Zigzag Canyon (in which Zigzag.


go; locomote; turn; travel; crank; move;


follow; fall; advance; go; stay in place;

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