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zoophagous Meaning in Bengali


zoophagous's Usage Examples:

"On certain genera and families of zoophagous gasteropods".

"On certain genera and families of zoophagous gastropods".

Doctor John Seward diagnoses him as a "zoophagous maniac", or carnivorous madman.

On certain genera and families of zoophagous gasteropods.

understand better the nature of life-consuming psychosis, or as he calls it, zoophagous.

renardii are zoophagous generalist predators which feed on a wide range of prey, from herbivorous.

dulcisonans is omnivorous but mainly zoophagous, and is more active at night.

Renfield, Dracula's human zoophagous follower in the 1897 novel by Bram Stoker.

Two zoophagous species of Acrostalagmus with multicellular Desmidiospora-like chlaymidiospores.

zoophagous's Meaning':

(of animals


meat-eating; carnivorous; flesh-eating;


herbivorous; insectivorous; omnivorous; fruit-eating;

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