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আনুপূর্ব্য Meaning in English

/Noun/ Due order ; successive order ; series ; regular succession ; arrangement ; method.

আনুপূর্ব্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


sequence; due succession/order.

আনুপূর্বিক (adverb) serially; in regular order; from beginning to end.

(adjective) (1) serial; continuous; successive.

(2) entire; complete.

আনুপূর্বিক বর্ণনা করা (verb transitive) describe in detail.

আনুপূর্বিকতা (noun) continuity; seriality.

আনুপূর্ব্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

1566), and published under the title of "Aduertisements, partly for due order in the publique administration of common prayers and usinge the holy sacraments.

to define and to lay down the law for the sheep, and he must keep the due order and form.

In due order a new cycle of the cosmos begins (palingenesis), reproducing the previous.

1 - Chorus - "Here ranged in due order of battle we stand with Red King and White King and Queens on each hand".

Constitutional Court renders a resolution concerning complying with the due order of indictment.

Clement (about 96) and Ignatius of Antioch (about 108) are concerned that due order be maintained; "Give heed to keep one Eucharist.

The full title is Advertisements partly for due order in the publique administration of common prayers and usinge the holy sacramentes.

transactions contemplated neither rebellion nor revolution, and when in the due order of legal proceedings the question of right and wrong was submitted to.

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