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আবলি Meaning in English

/Noun/ Row ; range ; line ; series ; group.

আবলি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) row; line; range (বৃক্ষ + আবলী =).

(2) series; group; collection (নিয়মাবলী, রচনাবলী).

আবলি এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

As of October 1, 2020, there were 2,553 death row inmates in the United States.

therefore, have three front-row attackers when the setter is in the back row and only two when the setter is in the front row, for a total of five possible.

16th century, whereby a row of attached dwellings share side walls.

Two-row barley has a lower protein content than six-row barley, thus a more fermentable sugar.

The number of death row inmates changes frequently with new convictions.

In the United States they are known as row houses or row homes, found in older cities.

Dummy-half 10 Prop 11 Second Row Right Edge Forward 12 Second Row Left Edge Forward 13 Lock Forward In practice, the term 'front row forward' is very rarely.

The front row and second row combined.

Reads of different columns in the same row can be performed without a row opening delay because, for the open row, all data has already been sensed and.

rows of Pascal's triangle are conventionally enumerated starting with row n = 0 {\displaystyle n=0} at the top (the 0th row).

responsible for the transition from two-row to six-row barley.

আবলি এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

গুন মোল্লা, আবলি, রশদ, ফকিরের মা, সালেহা কেই নেই।

সংস্কৃত শব্দ দীপাবলি থেকে এসেছে, যার অর্থ হল আলোর সারি ('দীপ' অর্থে দিয়া এবং 'আবলি' অর্থে সারি)।

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