আলাপিত Meaning in English
/adjective/ Spoken to ; familiar ; acquainted.
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
আলোড়ন সৃষ্টিকারী
আলোড়ন করা
আলোর বিচ্ছুরণ
আলোর ঝলক
আলোড়িত করা
আলোড়ন সৃষ্টিকারী
আলোড়ন করা
আলাপিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
Mzieme is spoken to the northeast of Zeme in Peren district, southeastern Nagaland, as well.
Outside of Flanders, it is also spoken to some extent in French Flanders and the Dutch Zeelandic Flanders.
They are spoken to the north of the Sepik River near Ambunti, and west of the Ambulas-speaking.
speaker (English: I, we, me, and us), second person is the person or people spoken to (English: you), and third person includes all that is not listed above.
It is instead more similar to the Chamba language which is spoken to the north.
natively Tinɔr and Myamya, is a dialect cluster of Plateau languages spoken to the north of Keffi in Nasarawa State Kagarko Local Government Area and.
Jason Blum reportedly has spoken to Silver twice about a co-production with Blumhouse Productions, for Universal.
It is spoken to the east of Iriga City up to the shores of Lake Buhi.
subgroup, and is closely related and mutually intelligible to Waray which is spoken to the south on the neighboring island of Samar.
language spoken to the west (and hence a member of Greater Punjabi), while others have seen its affinity to be closer with the Pahari dialects spoken to the.
According to della Valle (who had spoken to the shah himself) they included 40,000 Armenian families, 12,000 Georgian.
ability to speak was cursed, leaving her able only to repeat the last words spoken to her.
Ethnologue gives it the generic name Taznatit ("Zenati"), along with Tuwat spoken to its south; however, Blench (2006) classifies Gurara as a dialect of Mzab–Wargla.
Rengmitca is spoken to the northeast of Alikadam town in the southern Chittagong Hill Tracts.
considered to have three dialects: Nyambwa (Cinyambwa or West Gogo), spoken to the west of Dodoma and in Manyoni, Nyaugogo (Cinyaugogo or Central Gogo).
greeting spoken to a man ("sir") Nuxmaxē pa chiurax general greeting spoken to a woman ("madam") Nuxmaxē pa yimax general greeting spoken to a man ("fellow").
Moru–Madi languages are spoken to the northeast, and Mangbetu languages are spoken to the west.
It is spoken to the east and northeast of the area where Lingala is spoken.
আলাপিত এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ
স্তুতি ট্রেন যাত্রায় এক ভদ্রলোকের সাথে আলাপিত হয়।