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আশ্রয় Meaning in English

/Noun/ Shelter ; resort ; refuge ; retreat ; asylum ; dwelling ; protection ; defiance ; prop ; support ; receptacle.

আশ্রয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) shelter; resort; refuge: গরিবের আশ্রয়.

(2) help; support, protection.

(3) dwelling house; residence; abode : আশ্রয়হীন.

(4) adoption; taking resort to: চাতুরীর আশ্রয়.

(5) embodiment: সর্বগুণের আশ্রয়.

(6) container; store; receptacle.

আশ্রয় নেওয়া / আশ্রয়গ্রহণ করা (verb transitive) adopt; take shelter (in)/resort or recourse to.

আশ্রয় দেওয়া / আশ্রয়দান করা (verb transitive) shelter; give shelter/protection.

আশ্রয়দান (noun) act of sheltering.

আশ্রয়দাতা (noun), (adjective) one who gives shelter/protection; shelterer; protector.

আশ্রয়পুষ্ট (adjective) nourished in shelter/support/protection (of).

আশ্রয়প্রার্থী, আশ্রয়ার্থী (adjective) seeking shelter.

(noun) refugee.

আশ্রয়প্রার্থিনী, আশ্রয়ার্থিনী (feminine) =.

আশ্রয়ী (noun), (adjective) one who has taken shelter or is living under protection.

আশ্রয়হীন (adjective) without shelter; shelterless.

আশ্রিত (adjective) sheltered; under protection.

আশ্রিত রাজ্য (noun) protectorate.

আশ্রয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Major, who was born in 2018, is the first shelter dog to have lived in the White House.

They provide shade, shelter from rain and a place to rest, while acting as an ornamental feature.

mountains, generally accessible only by foot, intended to provide food and shelter to mountaineers, climbers and hikers.

A rock shelter (also rockhouse, crepuscular cave, bluff shelter, or abri) is a shallow cave-like opening at the base of a bluff or cliff.

ᐃᒡᓗᐃᑦ [iɣluˈit])), also known as a snow house or snow hut, is a type of shelter built of snow, typically built when the snow is suitable.

A bivouac shelter is any of a variety of improvised camp site, or shelter that is usually of a temporary nature, used especially by soldiers, or persons.

An animal shelter or pound is a place where stray, lost, abandoned or surrendered animals – mostly dogs and cats – are housed.

Human Rights is the inviolability of the home as an individual's place of shelter and refuge.

A fallout shelter is an enclosed space specially designated to protect occupants from radioactive debris or fallout resulting from a nuclear explosion.

A dugout or dug-out, also known as a pit-house or earth lodge, is a shelter for humans or domesticated animals and livestock based on a hole or depression.

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