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ইশপিশ Meaning in English

/Noun/ Restlessness ; fidgets ; itch.

ইশপিশ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


restlessness; state of being impatient.

ইশপিশ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

stirring, often to achieve mixing An emotional state of excitement or restlessness Psychomotor agitation, an extreme form of the above, which can be part.

virtue-respect and vice-respect, birth and death, happiness, safety, comfort, restlessness and boredom, affection and bereavement or infatuation, attachment and.

This causes dryness and acidity in the whole body, resulting in restlessness and mood swings.

embodied all that the Egyptians feared, threatening to bind them to eternal restlessness if they did not follow the principle of Ma'at.

into two categories: "restlessness defined" and "restlessness explained.

is a neurological phenomenon associated with increased confusion and restlessness in patients with delirium or some form of dementia.

Cabin fever refers to the distressing claustrophobic irritability or restlessness experienced when a person, or group, is stuck at an isolated location.

changes is not supposed to mimic the seasonal rhythm of nature, but the restlessness of Canary Wharf.

After this "second death", the soul is doomed to restlessness in Duat.

is a movement disorder characterized by a subjective feeling of inner restlessness accompanied by mental distress and an inability to sit still.

Restless may refer to: Psychomotor agitation, restlessness experienced as a result of certain medications or conditions Restless Records Restless (Sara.

The book explores the emotional restlessness of houseboat dwellers who live neither fully on the water nor fully on.

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