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উখড়ানো Meaning in English

/Verb/ Uproot ; loosen ; eradicate.

উখড়ানো এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

(verb intransitive)


(noun) extirpation.

(adjective) uprooted; extirpated.

উখড়ানো এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

It had small tusks which it used to uproot plants, and spoon-shaped incisors ideal for pulling and cropping water plants.

other aetosaurs, it was heavily armored and had a pig-like snout used to uproot plants.

I can uproot you, I can uproot you, yes it will be achieved.

Tornadoes team as it was unfeasible for most of the Triangles' players to uproot their families and move from Dayton to Brooklyn on short-notice during the.

its snout when foraging, but instead can be seen pawing at the ground to uproot plants.

is geographically remote, making it harder for the federal government to uproot activists; its "wide open spaces" appeal to those who believe in the right.

Part of the plan was to uproot 17,000 hectares (42,000 acres) of the 124,000 ha (310,000 acres) of vineyards.

range had diminished due to cross breeding, and the decision was taken to uproot the arboretum.

financial support of the Government of the United States in an effort to uproot the guerrilla groups in Colombia, more specifically the Revolutionary Armed.

producing wind gusts up to 59 mph (95 km/h), causing several hundred trees to uproot or snap and damaging a total of 21 homes and businesses.

Its canines were elongated into tusks which it probably used to uproot plants and fend off predators.

In 2013, plans to uproot parts or all of Oaken Wood for a ragstone quarry were met with controversy.

They were very strong, able to uproot trees and carry heavy loads, while their chest was so large that they could.

This made it easy for enemies to uproot them and create a large enough gap in which to enter.

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