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উপজনন Meaning in English

/Noun/ Origin ; birth ; production

উপজনন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


coming into existence; birth; origin; production.

উপজনন এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion.

By extension, the etymology of a word means its origin and development throughout history.

evidence for endosymbiosis as the origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria in eukaryotic cells in her paper, On the origin of mitosing cells.

Their origin was the personal coat of arms of Abbot Theoderich Hagn of the monastery.

the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Possible words of Old Tagalog origin are attested in the Laguna Copperplate Inscription from the tenth century.

confirmation of the CMB in 1964 secured the Big Bang as the best theory of the origin and evolution of the universe.

Most scientists believe that the virus is most likely of zoonotic origin in.

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) or Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), are people of Indian birth, descent or origin who live outside the Republic of India.

On the origin of religion".

European genetic origin observed in Ashkenazi maternal lineages, which is in contrast to the predominant Middle Eastern genetic origin observed in Ashkenazi.

In evolutionary biology, abiogenesis, or informally the origin of life (OoL), is the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter, such.

" The origin of the word in English is unknown, but AnimeNation's John Oppliger points.

উপজনন এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

বরাত দিয়ে এবং অলর(Olor) উপবর্গের রূপরেখা অনুযায়ী এটাকে সবথেকে সাম্প্রতিক উপজনন মনে করা হয়, তাদের আধুনিক বিকাশের প্রমাণ দেখে (যেগুলো তুষার যুগে বসবাসের।

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