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উপস্বত্ব Meaning in English

/Noun/ Land-revenue ; rent ; usufruct ; profit.

উপস্বত্ব এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


income from real property or business.

উপস্বত্ব এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

It generated annual land revenue rentals of more than 2 million rupees.

Chak, a Punjabi word, is the land revenue settlement/assessment circle marking a contiguous block of land,Chak word comes from Chakar of mean wheel in.

" Each mouza has a cadastral map maintained in the land revenue record and, except in Sindh, each one has a Hadabast Number.

taluk, by the District heads from among landholders who paid an annual land revenue of not less than Rs.

all Arabia on taxation, assessment of land revenue and land reclamation.

combined the functions of a military commander along with judicial and land revenue functions.

"land revenue and cesses".

He was employed by Umar as a land revenue expert.

The Ryotwari system was a land revenue system in British India, introduced by Thomas Munro in 1820 based on system administered by Captain Alexander Read.

Later in the cabinet reshuffle, he was made the minister of land revenue on 2012 .

one of the earliest peasant rebellions against the highly exploitative land revenue policies of the British rulers and was brutally crushed".

উপস্বত্ব এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

১২৬-১৩৬) কৌশিকা নদী (চরের ভরাট দ্বারা) যে ভূমির বৃদ্ধি ঘটিয়াছে তাহার উপস্বত্ব (অংশের অনুপাত অনুসারে) প্রতিগ্রাহক ব্রাহ্মণেরই প্রাপ্য; পরস্তু যাহা গঙ্গিণিকা।

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