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উৎক্রম Meaning in English

/Noun/ Exception ; abnormality ; breaking of sequence ; going or passing beyond ; leap ; bound ; jump ; deviation ; reversal ; death.

উৎক্রম এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) break of order/sequence; exception.

(2) inverse or reverse order.

(3) deviation; violation; infringement.

(4) act of sprouting or shooting up.

(5) act of coming or going out.

(6) departure of the soul from the body; death.

উৎক্রমণ (noun) (1) an inverse or reverse movement.

(2) a reversion of order; disorder.

(3) ending of life; decease; death.

(4) (gr) disorderly transposition of words within a sentence.

উৎক্রম এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

The laws usually make an exception for hot pursuit: a police officer following a criminal who has fled the.

any other standard library exceptions (they derive from std::exception) catch (std::exception 'e) { std::cerr << "Exception thrown: " << e.

A stop error or exception error, commonly called the blue screen of death (BSoD) or blue screen, is an error screen displayed on Windows computers following.

computing and computer programming, exception handling is the process of responding to the occurrence of exceptions – anomalous or exceptional conditions.

Assembly must have no less than 60 and no more than 500 members however an exception may be granted via an Act of Parliament as is the case in the states of.

The GPL font exception clause (or GPL+FE, for short) is an optional clause that can be added to the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) permitting digital.

A GPL linking exception modifies the GNU General Public License (GPL) in a way that enables software projects which provide library code to be "linked.

within an exception to the Miranda rule.

that allow for clearer programs in some particular cases, such as when exception handling has to be performed.

The three exceptions are: the routine booking question exception the jail house informant exception the public.

countries with a British legal history, the fair use right is a general exception that applies to all different kinds of uses with all types of works and.

other operations (such as trigonometric functions) on arithmetic formats exception handling: indications of exceptional conditions (such as division by zero.

usually exhibits a natural flow of speech and grammatical structure—an exception is the narrative device stream of consciousness.

asteroids, with the exception of the dwarf planet Ceres; the trojans; and the centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects, with the exception of the dwarf planets.

উৎক্রম এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

জামে "আমি কখনো তা বলি না" যৌগিক ক্রিয়া, কর্ম, ক্রিয়াবিশেষণীয় সর্বনাম, উৎক্রম (inversion), অনুজ্ঞা, ক্রিয়াবিশেষণ, ও নঞর্থক গঠনগুলির মধ্যকার আন্তঃসম্পর্কের।

যৌগিক ক্রিয়া, কর্ম, ক্রিয়াবিশেষণীয় সর্বনাম, উৎক্রম (inversion), অনুজ্ঞা, ক্রিয়াবিশেষণ, ও নঞর্থক গঠনগুলির মধ্যকার আন্তঃসম্পর্কের।

ছিলা, হিন্দুরা প্রকৃতপক্ষে তিনটি ত্রিকোণমিতিক অপেক্ষক জ্যা, কোটি-জ্যা এবং উৎক্রম জ্যায়ের অবতারণা করেন এবং সাধারণভাবে এর প্রয়োগ করেন।

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