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একচুল Meaning in English

/adjective/ Very slight ; slightest.

একচুল এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


hair’s-breadth; slight; slightest.

(adverb) in the least: একচুল এদিক ওদিক হবে না, There will be no deviation, not even by a hair’s breadth.

সে একচুলের জন্য বেঁচে গেছে, He had a hair-breadth/narrow escape.

একচুল এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

These gave a very slight dating suggesting Ubaid occupation equivalent to early neolithic Byblos.

There is a very slight central rise near the midpoint.

The termen is straight, sinuation very slight and the white line of the cilia is sharply marked.

the two companions eclipse the red giant, the change in brightness is very slight and hard to detect.

This very slight blur is due to the unavoidable small movement of the camera as it takes.

Francis Poulenc, which also exists in a version for piano solo with very slight changes in the solo part.

The site is on a very slight promontory overlooking the Avon Valley on the north-western edge of the.

The trail has a very slight grade for its entire length.

with African rituals or with the Andean Morenada, but rather it has a very slight similarity with the Diabladas of Oruro (Bolivia).

Cabin, 1852): Hinton explicitly wrote "not with reference, except in a very slight degree, to its humanitarian or religious aspects.

Going through very slight changes since then, the Copa is made in Scheinfeld, near Frankfurt in.

It has a very slight tint of yellow.

Mango Skin lacks the usual Bitter taste of Most Mango skins or has a very slight bitterness and is consumed with the flesh traditionally.

Pietro Germi reprised, with very slight modifications, the character he played in Un maledetto imbroglio.

Russell's Whigs won the popular vote, but the Conservative Party won a very slight majority of the seats.

into a subtle acidic bouquet, in which touches of floral aromas with a very slight bitter sensation are mixed together with a low acidic piquant taste because.

This represented a very slight change from the 386 people who were reported there by the 1950 census.

There is a very slight difference between the single and album versions of "My Lighthouse".

একচুল এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

হস্তান্তরের জন্য ১৫০ মিলিয়ন পাউন্ড দিতে চেয়েছিল কিন্তু তিনি মুসলিম বিশ্বের একচুল মাটি ছাড়তেও রাজি হননি।

জ্যামিতিক নকশাগুলোর যেখানে রেখা টানা হয়েছে, সেগুলো একচুল এদিক-ওদিক না হয়ে চলে গেছে মাইলের পর মাইল অবধি।

দর্শকের মনে একটা ধাক্কা দিলও তপন সিংহ কিন্তু নিজের জীবন দর্শন থেকে কোনদিনই একচুল বিচ্যুত হননি।

নিজের যুক্তিবোধ ও বিবেকের কাছ থেকে একচুল সরে আসেননি।

বৈচিত্রহীন (একঘেয়ে সুর) এক চক্ষু হরিণ একদেশদর্শী এক চুল অতি সামান্য, লেশমাত্র (একচুল নড়ে না) এক চেটে সম্পূর্ণ একের অধীন (একচেটে অধিকার কায়েম) এক চোখা পক্ষপাতিত্ব।

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