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একচেটিয়া Meaning in English

/adjective/ Monopolized ; monopolistic.

একচেটিয়া এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) maintaining sole privilege; tending to exclude others; exclusive: উচ্চশিক্ষার অধিকার ধনীদেরই একচেটিয়া, the rich alone have the privilege of higher education.

(2) having no rival in enjoying exclusive privilege of trade, etc; monopolistic; monopolized.

একচেটিয়া করা (verb transitive) monopolize.

একচেটিয়া ব্যবসায় trade over which one person or group has absolute control; monopoly.

একচেটিয়া ব্যবসায়ী (noun) monopolist.

একচেটিয়া এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Like shikken and rensho, both posts were monopolized by the Hōjō clan.

of April 15, 1996, he monopolized all the top 5 positions as the songwriter and producer, a world record.

Austrian television was monopolized by government-owned television stations until 1996.

increasingly envious of the Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians, who monopolized key positions of Transjordanian government.

The Hōjō clan monopolized this post, and there were during this period two Deputies – a southern.

Through the 5th and 7th centuries, the Soga monopolized the kabane or hereditary rank of Great Omi and was the first of many.

The leaders of these families monopolized the position of Sekkan in the Japanese Imperial Court in Kyoto between.

differentiation in the sense that there is no available substitute for a monopolized good.

The family was favored by Chakri monarchs and monopolized high-ranking titles.

by the late 10th and early 11th centuries they had started to become monopolized by a limited number of families who by the mid-11th century formed a.

Fafnir, Regin's older brother that had killed their father Hreidmarr and monopolized his treasure.

double expectations and frustration seized the anxious questions and monopolized all possible answers to the needs of cultural activity, political and.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, professional music performances were monopolized by town musicians, who also traveled into the neighboring rural areas.

In 1995, he monopolized all top 3 positions of.

The Fregoso family monopolized the Dogate's lifetime office, becoming the dynasty who produced the highest.

It requires a context in which "power is not monopolized by the state, but distributed in a plurality of municipalities and assemblies.

This was one week after The Beatles monopolized the top 5 positions in the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Historically, Nigeria's mining industry was monopolized by state-owned public corporations.

societies usually based on kinship, and in which formal leadership is monopolized by the legitimate senior members of select families or 'houses'.

Brazil has become the paramount great power, with Terran space travel monopolized by a Brazilian-dominated agency called the Viagens Interplanetarias ("Interplanetary.

founding father of the Ichijō family, one of the five regent houses which monopolized regent positions in Japan's imperial court.

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