জারান Meaning in English
/adjective/ digested; corroded; pickled; /প্রতিশব্দ/ পক্ব; জারিত; জরান;
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
জারা সোনাজারা লোহা
জারজ সন্তান
জারক শিখা
জারক লেবু
জারক রস
জারান এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
In liquefactive necrosis, the affected cell is completely digested by hydrolytic enzymes, resulting in a soft, circumscribed lesion consisting.
(/kaɪm/; from Greek χυμός khymos, "juice") is the semi-fluid mass of partly digested food that is expelled by a person's stomach, through the pyloric valve.
The ingested material is then digested in the phagosome.
chemical reaction, where organic material such as glucose is biochemically digested into carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) by the anaerobic microorganisms.
The main ingredient is the partially digested grass from the rumen of a ruminant, typically a deer, goat, cow or water.
When the chyme is fully digested, it is absorbed into the blood.
pancreas, including the production of digestive enzymes, and absorption of digested food.
Starch in rice has to be made into malt by sprouting, or digested by enzymes that Nagas learned to grow in a separate process on a plant.
It surrounds the lumen of the tract, and comes into direct contact with digested food (chyme).
It consists of a mixture of partially digested rice grains floating in a sweet saccharified liquid, with small amounts.
to: Feces, the solid or semisolid remains of the food that could not be digested in the small intestine Defecation, the elimination of waste material from.
an entrance into a lower chamber in which the sludge is collected and digested.
through the cytopharynx and into the body of the cell, where they are digested.
It is easily digested and nutritious.
This results in the partially digested contents of the stomach to back up into the esophageal canal, which may.
lining by enterocytes: small nutrient particles which have been previously digested by enzymes in the duodenum.
The ingested cells are eventually digested.
In RFLP analysis, a DNA sample is digested into fragments by one or more restriction enzymes, and the resulting restriction.
by enterocytes of small nutrient molecules which have been previously digested by enzymes in the duodenum.
জারান এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ
তার কত গুলো সফল অভিযানের মাঝে বিখ্যেত অভিযান গুলো হলঃ (১২৯৭–১২৯৮)জারান-মাঞ্জুর(বর্তমান পাঞ্জাব এর কিছু এলাকা নিয়ে বিস্তৃত ছিল),শিবিস্থান (বিভক্ত।
টিনিরি পশ্চিম মরুভূমি এশিয়া আদ-দাহনা আকশি আরব আরাল কারাকুম আরালকুম বাদাইন জারান বেটপাক-ডালা ব্রোমো বালু সাগর চোলিস্তান দাশত-এ কাভির দাশত-এ খাশ দাশত-এ লেইলি।
বি. এডুলিস হচ্ছে অল্পসংখ্যক ছত্রাকগুলোর একটি যাকে জারান হয়।