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নাড়ীঘাত Meaning in English

// pulse-beat; /প্রতিশব্দ/ ধমনীঘাত;

নাড়ীঘাত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

record disaster On the bosom of her heaving alabaster ? Will her purple pulse beat fainter or faster    For fallen sparrow or fallen star ?] [I would that.

The stronger the pulse beat of life and the more rapid the precipitation of rhythms, the more clearly.

But he proceeds with his team, working on getting his pulse beat to sixty-four and visualizing the next moments, as the team gets in position.

Lagrangian Babinet's principle Backward wave oscillator Bandwidth-limited pulse beat Berry phase Bessel beam Beta wave Black hole Blazar Bloch's theorem Blueshift.

A thrilling pulse beat high in me.

my heart-strings thrill like an Aeolian harp, and particularly why my pulse beat such a furious rantann when I looked and fingered over her hand to pick.

[…] A thrilling pulse beat high in me.

Kilgo as "a man afire" and students whispered among themselves that his pulse beat above normal.

of freshness the picture has to offer are the scenes which reflect the pulse beat of the dress industry — the crowds scurrying along Seventh Avenue amid.

the deviation between two observations never exceeded one-tenth of a pulse beat.

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