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যৌক্তিকতা Meaning in English

/noun/ rationality; sense; logicality; advisability; /প্রতিশব্দ/ বিচারশক্তি; জ্ঞান; যৌক্তিকতা; ঔচিত্য;

যৌক্তিকতা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Faith and rationality exist in varying degrees of conflict or compatibility.

founded LessWrong, a "community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality".

Homo economicus is often modelled through the assumption of perfect rationality.

Bounded rationality is the idea that rationality is limited when individuals make decisions.

A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment.

within organizations and is best known for the theories of "bounded rationality" and "satisficing".

But other states are arational: they are outside the domain of rationality.

By contrast, MacIntyre attempts to reclaim more modest forms of moral rationality and argumentation which claim.

rationality approach.

His work addresses communicative rationality and the public sphere.

Alternative responses modify the postulate of egoistic rationality in various ways.

whether they obey the norms of rationality.

"Instrumental" and "value rationality" are terms scholars use to identify two ways humans reason when coordinating group behaviour to maintain social.

illustrates the difference between perfect rationality of an actor and the common knowledge of rationality of all players.

focused on epistemology, ethics (especially on ethical intuitionism), rationality and the theory of action.

Irrationality is cognition, thinking, talking, or acting without inclusion of rationality.

authority of an organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to legal rationality, legal legitimacy and bureaucracy.

Communicative rationality or communicative reason (German: kommunikative Rationalität) is a theory or set of theories which describes human rationality as a necessary.

of the possibility of moral rationality.

Mumby and Putnam introduced the concept of bounded emotionality as an alternative organizational concept to bounded rationality.

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