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শার্ঙ্গ Meaning in English

/adjective/ Made of horn; relating to horn:-/Noun/ bow made of horn

শার্ঙ্গ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


made of horny; horny; corneous.

(noun) bow (especially that of Vishnu).

শার্ঙ্গ ধর, শার্ঙ্গপাণি, শার্ঙ্গী noun(s) one armed with a bow; Vishnu.

শার্ঙ্গ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

first and for him only object made by prehistoric humans, a scraper made of horn although numerous charcoal fragments and burnt bones lead him to conclude.

similar to the mandolin, but larger, and is plucked with a plectrum made of horn or tortoiseshell.

The hilt of keris bahari is made of horn, sometimes of silver and fish ivory, usually beautifully carved.

similar to the bagpipe drone reed, which is sometimes surrounded by a cap made of horn or wood which is sealed with the players lips.

The separate cup mouthpiece is usually made of horn, ivory, or bone, with a thin rim and thread-wrapped shank.

Egg spoons can also be made of horn, porcelain and stainless steel as well as any other material that does.

one or more pipes that have single reeds that terminate in a resonator made of horn.

Stone axes were made of a variety of stones, and other tools were made of horn and bone.

Anatolian yatagans characteristically have smaller ears which are more often made of horn or silver, while Ionian coast Zeibeks carried T Hilt Yataghans.

historical reed pipe of Scotland with a capped double reed and bell made of horn, played by shepherds, among others.

dress sgian-dubh (less intricate than for the full dress and typically made of horn or antler).

begena may also be played using a system called girf, wherein a plectrum made of horn or wood is used to pluck the ten strings of the begena.

brass or silver, and sported a rounded termination to the grips, usually made of horn, unlike that seen on Iranian swords (Iranian swords usually had iron.

Long dice made of horn that have a rodlike elongated shape with four numbered faces and two.

Welsh pibgorn, consisting of a single-reed reed pipe amplified by a bell made of horn.

is plucked with a short rod-shaped plectrum that tapers to a point, made of horn or hardwood.

passage of the Odyssey, truthful dreams are said to come through a gate made of horn, while deceitful dreams come through a gate made of ivory (see Gates.

The hilt is usually made of horn or bone, sometimes of wood, and often has protection for the hand and.

having neither holes nor keys; it is blown through a cupshaped mouthpiece made of horn.

An inkhorn is an inkwell made of horn.

শার্ঙ্গ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

শার্ঙ্গ(সংস্কৃত: शार्ङ्ग) হলো শ্রীবিষ্ণুর দ্বারা ব্যবহৃত ধনুকটির নাম৷ বিষ্ণুর অন্যান্য অস্ত্রগুলি হলো, সুদর্শন চক্র, নারায়ণাস্ত্র, বৈষ্ণবাস্ত্র, কৌমোদকী।

দেবশিল্পী বিশ্বকর্মা উভয় দিব্যধনুর নকশা তৈরী করেছিলেন৷ তিনি শ্রীবিষ্ণুকে শার্ঙ্গ ও ভগবান শিবকে পিনাক নামক দুটি ধনু দিয়েছিলেন৷ রামায়ণের আদিপর্বের বিবরণ।

বা মূহ্যমান হয়না৷ দেবতারা এটিকে ইন্দ্রলোকে প্রেরণ করার ব্যবস্থা করেন৷ শার্ঙ্গ: শৃৃঙ্গ শব্দ থেকে গত এই দৈব ও শক্তিশালী ধনুটি বিষ্ণুকে প্রদান করা হয়৷।

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