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সবর্ণ Meaning in English

/adjective/ Of the same colour; of the same caste; like; similar:-/Noun/ homogeneous letter.

সবর্ণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) of the same caste/ class/ tribe.

(2) having the same colour/appearance; similar; like; equal to.

(3) (grammar) belonging to the same class of sounds; homogeneous to.

(4) endogamous.

সবর্ণা (feminine) =.

(noun) (1) one of the same caste/class/tribe.

(2) (grammar) letter/sound from the same phonetical group.

সবর্ণ বিবাহ (noun) marriage of the people of the same castes; endogamy.

সবর্ণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

for their fur and as pets are almost exclusively mated with members of the same colour.

and blotched with pinkish, and there is a broad but irregular band of the same colour on the outer margin.

Each player has 12 pieces of the same colour but different sizes.

In some countries, priests wear a pellegrina of the same colour as their plain black cassock.

white coat with a mask of a darker colour, and often with patches of the same colour on the body; the ears always have darker spots.

In some cases, such as a fimbriated cross placed on a field of the same colour as the cross, the effect is identical to the use of cross voided,.

Three cards of the same colour, one being of a different suit, count 2.

Clusters are formed when three pieces of the same colour touch each other.

Four cards of the same colour, two being.

girdle of many large pieces of fine gold, and an outer coat of damask of the same colour, like a capelhar.

is marked with blackish or dark purplish grey, and there is a band of the same colour on the outer marginal area; the inner edge of this band is formed.

should not be done lightly, therefore, especially if the enemy bishop of the same colour is still on the board.

column of squares is called a file, and each oblique line of squares of the same colour is called a diagonal.

greyish with a reddish-brown stripe along the back, and series of spots of the same colour along the sides.

obliged to use crimson for this famous portrait, he placed a drapery of the same colour in the background and repeated the white [of the lace in the cardinal's.

The forewings are of the same colour with numerous thin darker, regular oblique and submarginal lines meeting.

colours are maroon with a vertical white stripe and rowers wear kit of the same colour.

necessarily all of the same colour.

another olive-brown blotch near the middle, and a long oblique band of the same colour, commencing in a point at the extreme apex of the wing, and gradually.

The implication "every N horses are of the same colour, then N + 1 horses are of the same colour" works for any N > 1.

When a suit is named trump, the jack in the suit of the same colour becomes a member of this trump suit.

cases there is a risk of producing visible changes between shades of the same colour.

সবর্ণ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

বাংলার মহান জমিদার বংশীয় সবর্ণ রায় চৌধুরী কিছুদিন নিম্টায় অবস্থান করেছিলেন।

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