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abdominally Meaning in Bengali



abdominally's Usage Examples:

The pelvic fins are positioned abdominally, subabdominally, or thoracically and may be connected to the pleural.

new dual PPAR α/δ agonist GFT505 on lipid and glucose homeostasis in abdominally obese patients with combined dyslipidemia or impaired glucose metabolism".

case of liver laceration repair with a Jackson-Pratt drain placed intra-abdominally, if bile is found in the Jackson-Pratt drain post-operatively, then one.

index–low-fat–high protein diet on the atherogenic metabolic risk profile of abdominally obese men".

Some authorities have described a technique for the removal of abdominally retained testes from cryptorchid animals, but most surgeons still advocate.

pelvic cavity so that only a small part (or none) of it can be felt abdominally.

The hindwing is abdominally always longer than costally, and in most species presents a triangular.

772 mg/kg when intra-abdominally injected in mice.

intra-arterially, intrathecally (as in diskography of the spine) and intra-abdominally – just about any body cavity or potential space.

context, the proportion (26% of total) of mature sperm stored intra-abdominally in the monotreme epididymis is considerably less than the proportion.

6 times higher in dogs with abdominally retained testicles compared with normal dogs.

penis contains a bone, the baculum; the testes can be located either abdominally or at the groin.

[citation needed] A radical trachelectomy can be performed abdominally or vaginally and opinions are conflicting as to which is better.

"Increased physical activity in abdominally obese women through support for changed commuting habits: a randomized.

They may be located intra-abdominally, at the internal inguinal ring, or may herniate into the labia majora.

a playable character for Street Fighter V, where he is presented as abdominally obese and has new special moves that involve eating and throwing food.

echidna, the proportion (26% of total) of mature sperm stored intra-abdominally in the terminal segment of the epididymis is considerably less than the.

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