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accosted Meaning in Bengali

 আলাপ শুরু করা, সম্ভাষণ করা, সমীপবর্তী হইয়া সম্বোধন করা, সম্বোধন করা,


সম্বোধন করা, সমীপবর্তী হইয়া সম্বোধন করা, সম্ভাষণ করা, আলাপ শুরু করা,

accosted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

কানাডার ফরাসীভাষী কমন্স সভা কিংবা আইনসভায় তাকে প্রেসিডেন্টরূপে সম্ভাষণ করা হয় ।

accosted's Usage Examples:

included poor or incompetent customer service in a store or restaurant, being accosted by a date's ex-love-interest while out together, and unprovoked rudeness.

who is tormented by cravings and therefore, by pain and suffering), he accosted Raikava again with even richer gifts and his beautiful daughter in offer.

of the Great City describes the trick: A stranger in the city would be accosted by a well-dressed individual, who would immediately begin a careless, friendly.

and players were so incensed at the calls that referee Tim McConaghy was accosted after the match which led to two Wisconsin players being suspended for.

Sunday, directly after celebrating the solemn Easter Liturgy, Gregory was accosted by the Ottomans.

most catocaline larvae, Mocis caterpillars do not wriggle violently when accosted, but rather simply drop to the ground--a habit shared by many grass feeders--where.

A group of year 9 students also made headlines when they accosted then Prime Minister Tony Abbott in 2014, during a school camp in Canberra.

The campaign had at least 8,000 residents were either accosted or apprehended for violating the rules in two weeks.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and photographer Malcolm Browne, were later accosted by policemen at their office and taken away for questioning on suspicion.

Christian, creator of the Bank Transfer Day event, stated that "he was accosted by Occupy Los Angeles organizers and has even received threatening phone.

said that the experience was "right out of Easy Rider", in that he was accosted by locals in the American South for having long hair.

Jonathon Garrett, who while on an errand for his frontier doctor uncle, is accosted by local farmers and enlisted to join them in raising a Liberty Pole.

In July 1914, a hostile crowd accosted a column of troops of the King's Own Scottish Borderers on Bachelors Walk.

Giles wrote: "Here a short young man accosted me, and asked me if I did not remember him, saying at the same time that.

As the King's Own Scottish Borderers returned to barracks, they were accosted by civilians at Bachelors Walk, who threw stones and exchanged insults.

While at home one night, Tony is accosted by three drug dealers, looking for the money that he owes them.

interrupted on June 5, 2009, when an intoxicated woman got past security and accosted Robert De Niro.

In July 1761, the drunken Lord Delvin accosted a female acquaintance of Capt.

a sidewalk on Manhattan's Lower East Side when a group of seven teens accosted and mugged a group consisting of duFresne, her fiancé Jeffrey Sparks, her.

At the crime scene, Batman and Keith are accosted by the corpse of the murdered father, who shoots Keith with her own gun.


recognise; come up; come; come up to; approach; recognize; address; greet;


reject; decertify; ignore; dishonor; go;

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