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aegirine Meaning in Bengali


arginine সমৃদ্ধ,

aegirine's Usage Examples:

Aegirine is the sodium endmember of the aegirine-augite series.

Their pyroxene is principally aegirine or aegirine-augite; some of them are rich in melanite.

of augite, chemical formula Ca(Mn,Zn,Fe)Si 2O 6, sometimes compared to aegirine.

(1901–1948) for an occurrence on Iwagi Islet, Japan, where it is found in an aegirine syenite intrusive stock.

It occurs in nepheline syenites and pegmatites in association with aegirine, nepheline, microcline, arfvedsonite, elpidite, loparite, eudialyte, astrophyllite.

Associate minerals include: microcline, nepheline, aegirine, lamprophyllite, lorenzenite, catapleiite, murmanite, arfvedsonite, sodalite.

The clinopyroxene is sodic whose composition varies from hedenbergite to aegirine-augite.

In jadeite and aegirine this is added by the inclusion of a +3 cation (aluminium and iron(III).

It occurs associated with aegirine, riebeckite, barite, fluorite, albite, phlogopite and magnetite.

Mafic minerals may include aegirine, fayalite, aenigmatite, ilmenite, and sodic amphibole (often arfvedsonite.

Its mineral association includes nepheline, albite, aegirine, riebeckite, katophorite and quartz.

It occurs associated with aegirine, microcline, albite, elpidite, epididymite, taeniolite, pectolite, calcite.

(melanite) and aegirine.

The abundance of melanite is very unusual in igneous rocks, though some syenites, leucitophyres, and aegirine-felsites resemble.

Common associates of arctite include aegirine, natisite, lomonosovite, umbite and thenardite.

named for Neptune, Roman god of the sea because of its association with aegirine from Àgir, the Scandinavian sea-god.

Dark prismatic minerals are aegirine phenocrysts.

astrophyllite is associated with feldspar, mica, titanite, zircon, nepheline, and aegirine.

vessel, a class serving the Icelandic Coast Guard Aegir, another name for aegirine, a type of silicate mineral HNoMS Æger, name of several ships in the Royal.

cavities in nepheline syenite, associated with nepheline, albite, microcline, aegirine, natrolite, catapleiite, kupletskite, eudialyte, cancrinite, villiaumite.

characteristic of the phonolites may also be found in some trachytes; thus aegirine or aegirine augite forms outgrowths on diopside crystals, and riebeckite may.

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