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afflicting Meaning in Bengali

 দাহক, প্রদাহী, প্রদাহমূলক,


দগ্ধান, দগ্ধা, নিগৃহীত করা, দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত করা, নিপীড়ন করা, পীড়িত করান, পীড়া দেত্তয়া, ব্যথা দেত্তয়া, উত্পীড়ন করা, বিদারণ যন্ত্রণা দেত্তয়া, পুড়ান, হীন করা, পীড়িত করা,

afflicting শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি হচ্ছে যে কোন সরকারী চাপের বিরোধিতা করা ও ব্যক্তিকে একে অপরকে নিগৃহীত করা থেকে বিরত রাখা ।

হয়েছে যে ভারতে নারীদেরকে কাঠামোগত শ্রেণীবিন্যাস এবং অবিচারের অধীনে নিপীড়ন করা হয়েছে ।

যারা ব্যক্তিগত খামার করত তাদেরকে নিপীড়ন করা হয়ে এবং "অভ্যুত্থানবিরোধী" আখ্যা দেওয়া হয় ।

afflicting's Usage Examples:

She confessed to afflicting Timothy Swan.

It is a residential and afflicting university.

as locusts A massive attack of other pests afflicting agriculture Overpopulation in wild animals afflicting the environment and/or agriculture Plague,.

A variety of pathological conditions afflicting eggs have been documented in the fossil record.

Lludd calls on Llefelys to rid Britain of three plagues then afflicting the kingdom.

September, she pleaded guilty to both indictments against her, one for afflicting Mercy Lewis and another for covenanting with the Devil.

competitiveness, led many in the Australian hockey community to speak of a "curse" afflicting the team, finally broken in 2004 with the win in Athens.

are believed to have originated as a result of the Black Death twice afflicting the original settlement, and the villagers responding by burning it and.

Hoose is essentially an infantile disease, almost always afflicting animals under one year of age.

exploring the epic Greek poems; The Seabird's Cry about the disaster afflicting the world's seabirds; and The Making of Poetry on the Romantic Revolution.

arrived by ship from Algeria, it was spread north by coastal shipping, afflicting towns and their hinterlands along the Mediterranean coast as far north.

either nation through reunification, it is aimed to resolve the conflicts afflicting the Indian subcontinent since the partition of India in 1947.

She first studied pathogens afflicting peanuts and later the fungus Phialophora.

He is believed to kill people by crushing their shoulders and also by afflicting illnesses.

Rajasthan Sports University is an upcoming residential and afflicting university situated in the Jhunjhunu district of the Indian state Rajasthan to promote.

desperately puts on the throne to escape the intense power struggles afflicting the royal court and the royal family.

to millions of poor and displaced people across the region, especially afflicting refugees from the Syrian conflict.

She is known for her researches on worm infections afflicting the animals of food value and is the author of two books and several articles.

pathophysiology of age-related diseases, and novel treatments for diseases afflicting the elderly.

visit a planet known as the Sense-Sphere to find the cure to a disease afflicting the alien race the Sensorites.


tribulate; discomfit; disconcert; untune; grieve; strain; upset; discompose; stress; try; aggrieve;


organic disorder; functional disorder; play up; foreground; abstain;

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