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afront Meaning in Bengali


পুরোভাগ, সর্বাগ্রভাগ, সামনা, অগ্র, পূর্বভাগ, পূর্ব, ধৃষ্টতা, রণক্ষেত্র, কপাল, সর্বসম্মূখের সারি, অট্টালিকার সদর, সম্মুখভাগ, আনন, বদন, মুখ, ললাট, সাহস,


মূখোমূখি হত্তয়া, সম্মূখস্বরূপ হত্তয়া, মুখস্বরূপ হত্তয়া, সম্মুখীন হত্তয়া, অভিমুখ হত্তয়া, বিপরীতে অবস্থান করা, সম্মুখে অবস্থান করা,


সদরস্থ, সম্মুখস্থ, সম্মুখের, সদর,

afront's Usage Examples:

Above it is the earpiece, light sensors, and afront-facing camera.

an alleyway northeast from the station, behind of a row of shophouses afront Jalan Pudu, a main thoroughfare in Pudu.

Studiotorino, including redesigned front and rear fascias, redesigned vents afront the rear wheels, integrated door handles with electronic door latches, forged.


(in Romanian) "MApN apreciază că prezenţa lui Iliescu la Lupeni este un afront la adresa ostirii Archived 2007-10-10 at the Wayback Machine" "16 Rumania.

; nautical) afornent (obsolete; regional, Scotland) afront (obsolete; regional) afterhand (rare; regional) again (regional) ahind (dialectal;.

dispute the Knights Hospitaller and Command of Ulgoso were united in their afront of the King, and included the villages of Serapicos, Vila Chã da Beira,.

17, 2020, and is composed of close-up shots of her performing the song afront a sparkly backdrop.

Iranian clerics denounce Virtual Azimi as "an afront to God and human dignity".

entertained who have behaved in a very indecent Manner and do frequently afront divers[e] persons of Fashion and Distinction who often in an Evening Walk.

Every assembly of the Freiburger Schule was therefore a direct afront to the regime.

wants a fool to ride him, will you do it?) abed (in bed) afore (before) afront (in front) agin (against, often when meaning 'next to' as in 'he live agin.

features Del Rey donning soft makeup while standing on a Californian coastline afront crashing waves.

guitar, Trainor solicits a nuanced, soulful, fluttery vocal performance afront pitch-shifted background vocals on the track.


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