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agitates Meaning in Bengali

 উমান, উত্তেজিত করা, ক্ষুব্ধ করা, বিক্ষুব্ধ করা, চঁচল করা, মন্থন করা, বিচলিত করা, ঘুঁটা, ঘাঁটান, আন্দোলিত করা, আন্দোলিত করান, প্রচণ্ডভাবে আলোড়িত করা, আলোড়িত করা, আলোড়ন করা, প্রগাঢ়ভাবে আলোচনা করা, বিক্ষোভ সৃষ্টি করা,


বিক্ষোভ সৃষ্টি করা, প্রগাঢ়ভাবে আলোচনা করা, আলোড়ন করা, আলোড়িত করা, প্রচণ্ডভাবে আলোড়িত করা, আন্দোলিত করান, আন্দোলিত করা, ঘাঁটান, ঘুঁটা, বিচলিত করা, মন্থন করা, চঁচল করা, বিক্ষুব্ধ করা, ক্ষুব্ধ করা, উত্তেজিত করা, উমান,

agitates's Usage Examples:

trampled to death by horses, due to which Gudrun wants vengeance, and she agitates her sons (see Jonakr's sons) from a later marriage to kill Ermanaric, cf.

Gudrun wants to avenge her daughter and she agitates her sons Hamdir and Sörli, her sons with King Jonakr by telling them about.

Activated sludge agitates a portion of the secondary clarifier sludge in the primary clarifier effluent.

The party agitates for the formation of a Limbuwan autonomous region in North-Eastern Nepal.

She is usually kind, but teases Ramona nonetheless and agitates her with the sisterly wisdom she has to share, such as Ramona's being forced.

including poor people and the underprivileged in parliament, the party also agitates for LGBT rights, women's rights, educational reform in the deep south,.

outside of Pittsburgh, the novel is the story of Jan Volkanik, a miner who agitates for recognition of the United Mine Workers of America.

emerging from nativist movements in Bombay (present-day Mumbai), the party agitates for preferential treatment for Maharashtrians over migrants from other.

departure from the European Union, the European Monetary Union, and NATO, and agitates for closer ties with the Russian Federation and the CSTO.

"Return of 175 martyr divers agitates grievous memories in Iran".

if a cook puts a seed crystal (undissolved sucrose) into the mix, or agitates the solution, the dissolved sucrose crystallizes to form large, crunchy.

He frequently agitates against Iran and Hezbollah, whom he accuses of being a threat to the fragile.

mechanism (B shown by fulcrum on the left and rotating eccentric on the right) agitates the mercury to transport the dissolved sodium metal from the outside cells.

Louis agitates about meeting his prospective son-in-law, Alfred Grattin, a teetotaler.

The water agitates for a few seconds, and the duck turns into a duckling.

Beyond these we have also: diatonic – agitates on given sounds for a specific scale chromatic – implementation of chromatic.

Irani saying, "AMU VC's reported remark not only hurts as a woman but also agitates".

popular speech at the city festival Storsjöyran in Östersund where he agitates against and mocks the "Big-Swedes", the Swedish government and the European.

follows: Yagli Sele – oil-cured (rotated in drums with a little salt, which agitates the olive and causes it to exude oil).


rumpus; foment; stir up; provoke; stimulate;


pull; hop out; rush; converge; enter;

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