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ambulacra Meaning in Bengali

একটি echinoderm এর undersurface যার উপর নল ফুট অবস্থিত হয় পাঁচটি এলাকার এক

ambulacra's Usage Examples:

Radiating like flower petals from the center were five food grooves, or ambulacra.

They were benthic suspension feeders, with five ambulacra on the upper surface, surrounding the mouth and extending into a number.

apical disc, perforate and non-crenulate tubercles and nearly straight ambulacra with horizontal pore pairs.

It is pluralized as ambulacra.

The area on the shell between ambulacra is known as an interambulacrum.

feature consisted of five arms, or ambulacra, in the body wall radiating outwards from the central mouth.

The ambulacra grew either curved or straight.

Five ambulacra radiated outwards from the mouth across the upper surface, but did not.

) ambulacra, [online] Available at: http://www.

com/ambulacra [Accessed 14th Nov 2014].

bowling pin (with the pin part stuck into the substrate), and that the five ambulacra were split into pairs of coiled or straight, ribbon-like strands.

As in other Echinozoans, there are five ambulacra separated by five ambulacral grooves, the interambulacra.

The ambulacral.

2005 — Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Crato Formation, Brazil †Dinodiplura ambulacra Selden, 2005 †Seldischnoplura Raven, Jell ' Knezour, 2015 — , Early Cretaceous.

Members of the family Echinidae are characterized by having trigeminate ambulacra (quadrigeminate in one genus) with pairs of tube feet pores arranged either.

The anterior ambulacrum forms a shallow depression and the other four ambulacra form a star-shaped furrow across the surface of the test; this is shallow.

ossicles which are supported internally by pillars which buttress the ambulacra.

The main feature of echinoid fossils are the set of five ambulacra on the test radiating out from a central point, forming a distinctive.

addition, Psychocidarids are characterized by having no plates between the ambulacra.

The ambulacra are almost straight and have horizontal pairs of pores.

The ambulacra form a broad furrow in a star shape extending down the sides of the test.

Dorsal cuticular folds of ambulacra I-III weakly developed, with distal part smaller than proximal.

The tube feet are arranged in five paired rows and are found on the ambulacra—the five radial areas on the undersurface of the animal, and are used.

ambulacra's Meaning':

one of the five areas on the undersurface of an echinoderm on which the tube feet are located

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